
Greg Abbott


Failure to attend school, court must dismiss referral filed by school district against a student for failure to attend school if district did not file complaint within seven days of student's tenth unexcused absence within a six-month period in same school year|Failure to attend school, court must dismiss complaint filed by a school district against student for failure to attend school if school district did not file complaint within seven days of student's tenth unexcused absence within a six-month period in same school year|Failure to attend school, court must dismiss complaint filed by a school district against student for failure to attend school if district did not file complaint within seven days of student's tenth unexcused absence within a six-month period in same school year|Failure to attend school, court must dismiss complaint filed by a school district against a student for failure to attend school if school district did not file complaint within seven days of student's tenth unexcused absence within a six-month period in same school year|Student's failure to attend school, requisite time period for school district to file complaint or referral or risk dismissal without recourse to file again (GA-0574 (2007) notes that new legislation supersedes a portion of GA-417's conclusion, see Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § 25.0951(a)).|Student's failure to attend school, requisite time period for school district to file complaint or referral or risk dismissal and authority to file again (GA-0574 (2007) notes that new legislation supersedes a portion of GA-417's conclusion, see Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § 25.0951(a)).

Opinion File


Subsequent Treatment

Superseded by statute Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § 25.0951(a)
GA-0574 (2007)