Eligibility for Crime Victims' Compensation: Find Out if You Qualify

Before you apply for the Crime Victims' Compensation (CVC) Program, it’s important to check the eligibility requirements. This step helps ensure you meet the criteria and don’t spend time applying for assistance you may not qualify for. Reviewing this information now can save you time and help you find the right support.

Note: The application is free, and you don't need a lawyer. However, you can have a lawyer help if you choose.

Who can apply for the CVC Program

You qualify as a victim if you: 

  • Were injured because of a violent crime through no fault of your own
  • Experienced the crime in Texas (or you are a Texas resident and the crime happened in a country without victim compensation)
  • Were injured while helping a victim of a violent crime
  • Were injured while being a first responder to a violent crime

You qualify as a claimant (applying on behalf of the victim) if you:

  • Are authorized to act on behalf of:
    • A victim who is a minor
    • A victim who is incapacitated
    • A deceased victim
  • Are paying crime-related bills for a victim
  • Are a dependent of someone who died because of the crime
  • Are family or household members needing certain assistance, including mental health care

Please note that:

  • The injury can be physical or mental
  • Businesses and organizations cannot apply for compensation

Covered crimes

We can help victims of violent crimes or attempted crimes including:

  • Arson (when present in the building)
  • Assault
  • Burglary (when present in the building)
  • Child abuse
  • Criminally negligent homicide
  • DWI crashes
  • Elder abuse
  • Family violence
  • Harassment
  • Hit and run
  • Homicide
  • Human trafficking
  • Kidnapping
  • Manslaughter
  • Robbery
  • Sexual assault
  • Stalking
  • Terroristic threat

Note: The CVC Program cannot help with identity theft, regular car accidents, and property crime. See the list of nonviolent crimes for more information.

Basic Requirements

The CVC Program has basic eligibility requirements that determine who can receive assistance. Review them here to see if you qualify.

Note: Special rules apply for sexual assault Emergency Medical Care (EMC): reporting to law enforcement is not required. Learn more about sexual assault EMC reimbursement.  

  • You are either a victim or a claimant.
  • The crime happened in Texas to a U.S. resident (or the victim is a Texas resident and the crime happened in a country without victim compensation).
  • You're applying within 3 years of the crime (unless good cause can be shown for the delay).
    • Special exceptions may apply based on age or circumstances
    • Contact us if you're unsure—we're here to help
  • The crime was reported to law enforcement within a reasonable time frame to not hinder the investigation or prosecution of the case.
  • You cooperate with law enforcement investigation and prosecution.
    • This may include giving accurate statements to law enforcement, complying with their reasonable requests, and participating in the prosecution (if the offender is known).
    • For sex crimes after Sept. 1, 2023: Getting a forensic medical exam counts as cooperation.
  • There is enough evidence to show the crime occurred.
  • You were not involved in the criminal activity.
    • You did not participate in the crime
    • You did not commit any criminal activity during the crime (unless it was the result of human trafficking)
    • You were not doing anything illegal that led to the crime
    • You were not involved in behavior that contributed to the crime
  • You were not in prison or jail during the crime.
  • All information you have given to the program is true and accurate.

Note: If your actions partially contributed, you might still receive partial compensation.

What Happens After I Apply?

Each claim is different, but here's what affects the timeline:

  • The police verify the details of the crime
  • All required documents must be submitted
  • Bills and expenses need to be verified                                                                                                       

We process claims as quickly as possible and will keep you updated on your status.


We understand that dealing with expenses after a crime can be overwhelming. If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you during this challenging time.

You can contact us online
You can reach us by phone:
Mon. – Fri., 8:00am - 5:00pm CT
Toll Free: (800) 983-9933
In Austin: (512) 936-1200