Need assistance? We’re here to help.

The best way to reach us is through our online forms, which ensure your request is directed to the right team for a faster response. Whether you need to submit documents, request training, or ask a question, choosing the appropriate option below helps us address your needs as efficiently as possible.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to get the assistance you need. Each form is designed to collect the necessary information to respond quickly and accurately. Select the form that best fits your request to get started.


Write Us An Email

Send a detailed message for any general questions or inquiries, and we’ll respond promptly.

CVC Documentation Upload

Upload all necessary documents for your CVC application to ensure timely processing.

CVC Appeals Request

Request a formal review or appeal of your CVC Program decision through this form.

ACP Application

Submit your ACP application online to begin the approval process.

Advocate Training Request

Request to receive advocate training by submitting your information through this form.

More ways to reach out to Crime Victim Services

You can get help from staff:
Mon. – Fri., 8:00am - 5:00pm CT
Toll Free: (800) 983-9933
In Austin: (512) 936-1200

Mailing Address:
Crime Victim Services
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711-2548