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Pax­ton Joins Mul­ti­state Ami­cus Brief Oppos­ing Fed­er­al Con­trol of State Tax Policy

 Attorney General Paxton has joined a multistate amicus brief in support of Ohio, in the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in opposition to the Biden Administration’s restrictions in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

October 21, 2021 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Pre­vails in Law­suit to Pro­tect Tax Cuts for Car­son Coun­ty Homeowners

“Local governments, including school districts, cannot pick and choose which laws to abide by,” Attorney General Paxton said. “White Deer ISD was taking homeowners' hard-earned money in violation of the Texas Constitution and state law. This lawsuit was about standing up for homeowners in Carson County and Texas voters.”

March 14, 2018

AG Pax­ton Obtains Final Judg­ment for Tax­pay­ers in Kil­go­re ISD Lawsuit

“I am grateful that the court recognized Kilgore ISD's attempt to siphon money away from Texas homeowners without their vote or consent,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Local governments cannot simply ignore laws they do not like. My office will continue to stand up for homeowners in these districts and voters across the state.”

February 21, 2018

AG Pax­ton Joins 18-State Bipar­ti­san Coali­tion Urg­ing FERC to Give Pres­i­dent Trump’s Tax Reform Sav­ings to Util­i­ty Customers

“I'm thrilled to be part of a bipartisan coalition that recognizes that lower taxes benefit everyone. Helping Texans and others around the country by reducing household utility bills is an example of the immediate and positive impact of the president's tax reform plan,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Thanks to the new law, prices will come down and consumers will have more money in their pockets, just as companies are raising wages, paying bonuses, and hiring more workers.”

January 10, 2018