Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today decried a preliminary injunction issued by the United States District Court in the Southern District of Texas that prioritized the health concerns of convicted criminals over those of medical professionals. The injunction issued late last night imposes limits on the transfer of inmates, unrestricted access to facemasks, hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies for each inmate, and a plan for testing every single inmate for COVID-19.  

“It is outrageous that Texas should provide inmates with unlimited personal protective equipment and testing kits when the medical professionals currently combating this health crisis are in desperate need of supplies to protect themselves and the Texans who are actually suffering from this virus. This acute national health crisis is not the time for judicial activism,” said Attorney General Paxton. “In the same way a federal judge tried to order personal protective equipment to abortion providers, now a judge wants supplies reserved for hardened criminals. Medical professionals on the frontline of this battle cannot be pushed aside.” 

There is currently a lack of testing kits nationwide, and this order blatantly prioritizes access for Texas inmates while medical professionals actively combating the spread of COVID-19 still face supply shortages.   

For information on the spread or treatment of Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit the Texas Department of State Health Services website.