Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recognized Curtis Collum, managing attorney for the Child Support Division’s Conroe office, for his commitment to Texas children. Collum was named “Managing Attorney of the Year” on Friday at the Statewide Child Support Managers’ Conference in Dallas. Collum was selected for the award based on recommendations from his peers and supervisors, with a particular focus on his willingness to go beyond her normal duties to serve Texas children.

 “I commend Curtis for his hard work and dedication to improving the lives of Texas children,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Curtis represents the best, and it is employees like him that make this agency great. I am thankful to Curtis for answering the call to serve the people of Texas.”

Collum began his career in 2000 as an assistant attorney general in the Houston North child support office. He transferred to the Conroe office in 2003 and was promoted to managing attorney in 2012. Collum was chosen “Managing Attorney of the Year” because of his calm demeanor and strong work ethic. Under Collum’s leadership, the Conroe office is one of the highest performing offices in the state.

Regional administrator Michael Wise said, “Mr. Collum is a very dedicated individual. When he shares his thoughts on topics of discussion, his passions come out and people listen. I enjoy working with Mr. Collum and look forward to even greater things from him and his team.”

The Conroe child support office handles more than 21,000 child support cases and collected $64 million in child support for the state fiscal year that ended Aug. 31. The Attorney General’s Child Support Division is the most successful and cost-effective program in the nation. The division handles 1.5 million child support cases, serving 1.7 million children. The division collects $12.26 for every $1 spent to operate the program and collected $3.8 billion in child support in federal fiscal year 2015.

For more information about the Office of the Attorney General and the child support services it offers, call (800) 252-8014 or visit the agency’s website at www.texasattorneygeneral.gov