Aaron Reitz, who has held the role of Deputy Attorney General for Legal Strategy since the fall of 2020, is leaving the Office of the Attorney General to serve as Senator Ted Cruz’s Chief of Staff in Washington, D.C. As Deputy for Legal Strategy, Aaron has led some of the Agency’s most consequential lawsuits and legal initiatives, including those related to securing our border, protecting energy and agriculture jobs, ensuring reliable and transparent elections, holding Big Tech and woke corporations accountable, stopping Covid-19 regulatory abuse, curtailing the Department of Justice’s illegal overreach, and defending religious liberty and gun rights.   

“Serving the State of Texas under Attorney General Paxton was the privilege of a lifetime,” said Aaron Reitz. “It’s been a dream job: gifted colleagues, great friends, and meaningful work—all with an outstanding Attorney General at the helm. I’m going to miss it. Attorney General Paxton has been a dear friend, a dedicated mentor, and the kind of man I’d gladly follow into the toughest legal battles against the left. I’m forever grateful to Attorney General Paxton for his leadership and courage, and for giving me the opportunity to help him advance Law and Liberty in Texas.” 

“Aaron has done an outstanding job as my ‘offensive coordinator,’” said Attorney General Paxton. “We’ve sued the Biden Administration almost 50 times to stop their lawlessness and abuse of power. Aaron’s strong leadership was a key element of our success in advancing our constitutional values and system of government. His work ethic, vision, energy, and patriotic spirit have been a blessing to me, his colleagues, and the State of Texas. While I’m sad to see him go, I’m certain that my friend Senator Ted Cruz will be extraordinarily well served with Aaron as his Chief of Staff. I wish Aaron and his family the very best.”  

Prior to serving as Deputy Attorney General for Legal Strategy, Aaron was an attorney in private practice. He clerked on the Texas Supreme Court and attended law school at the University of Texas. Before then, he was an active-duty officer in the United States Marine Corps, deployed to Afghanistan, and graduated from Texas A&M University. 

To read Aaron Reitz’s departure letter, click here