Attorney General Paxton sent a letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell expressing significant concerns with Nancy Abudu, who has been nominated by President Biden to be a Circuit Judge for the Atlanta-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.  

In the Alabama-led letter, a coalition of attorneys general highlighted Abudu’s lengthy track record of disparaging Americans, associating herself with “radical movement legal activists” who view policing as “the true threat to our collective safety,” and making outrageous, discrediting statements about the nation’s justice system.  

Since 2019, Abudu has also been Director of Strategic Litigation for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a highly politicized group that has baselessly leveled “hate” charges against a huge range of individuals, groups, and causes that deviate from the SPLC’s militant leftist orthodoxy. Abudu has personally engaged in similar tactics by slandering law enforcement and many other entities she appears to regard with contempt for holding viewpoints that she disagrees with. 

This consistent and troubling track record of hostility suggests Abudu is deeply unfit to serve as a federal judge, and the U.S. Senate should repudiate her radical views by rejecting her nomination.  

The multistate coalition’s letter states: “Nearly every federal appeal ends at the circuit court. Attorneys in our offices regularly practice before these courts, and we have great respect for these judges who dedicate their lives to the rule of law and to ensuring that all litigants before them are fairly heard. Ms. Abudu’s dishonest and divisive record shows that she would not be such a judge. She is an activist. She has repeatedly used misrepresentations and hateful rhetoric to advance her political goals. And she has thus shown herself unfit for this lifetime appointment. Because our judiciary needs jurists who will uphold the rule of law, not ‘radical movement legal activists’ in robes, the Senate should reject Ms. Abudu’s nomination.” 

To read the full letter, click here