County Officers And Employees - General
Ken Paxton
Salary, expenses, allowances, and other benefits provided by the county - Because the initial determination of whether a public expenditure to a justice of the peace who refuses to perform his duties upon resignation is gratuitous belongs to the commissioners court, we cannot conclude as a matter of law that the officer in these circumstances is entitled to salary, expenses, allowances, and other benefits provided by the county.|Because the initial determination of whether a public expenditure to a justice of the peace who refuses to perform his duties upon resignation is gratuitous belongs to the commissioners court, we cannot conclude as a matter of law that the officer in these circumstances is entitled to salary, expenses, allowances, and other benefits provided by the county.|Article III, section 52(a) of the Texas Constitution prohibits the gratuitous payment of public funds for a private purpose.
Ken Paxton
Attorney's fees of county commissioners investigated for violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act
Ken Paxton
Scope of Local Government Code section 157.901 concerning county's duty to provide legal representation of county officers and employees
Ken Paxton
Under the common law, a county commissioners court has discretion to reimburse legal expenses incurred by a county commissioner in the defense of a criminal matter which results in a finding of not guilty if the prosecution was for actions that were within scope of official duties and defense is primarily for a county purpose and not a personal interest.
Ken Paxton
Authority of county commissioners court to adopt a policy to automatically reduce the salary of employees and officers
Ken Paxton
Longevity pay, a commissioners court order granting, to certain qualified employees and allowing employees to transfer the longevity pay to another county department if they are hired there, does not continue in effect for an individual who later becomes a county officer|Salary grievance, a county officer who does not challenge the officer's proposed salary in accordance with the procedure and deadline specified by subsection 152.016(a) of the Local Government Code in any given year has effectively waived any, for the upcoming fiscal year
Ken Paxton
Longevity pay - Provided any longevity pay is prospective to the adoption of the longevity policy, a court would likely conclude that a county's longevity pay policy for county officials may include the prior service of the individual as a county employee|Prior Service - Provided any longevity pay is prospective to the adoption of the longevity policy, a court would likely conclude that a county's longevity pay policy for county officials may include the prior service of the individual as a county employee
Ken Paxton
Commissioners court may not delegate its approval authority of payroll, claims, and other payments to county treasurer
Ken Paxton
Commissioners court may not fund the salary of a county fire marshal and safety coordinator position through revenue generated by a sales and use tax imposed pursuant to Tax Code chapter 324|County fire marshal and safety coordinator positions - Commissioners court may not fund the salary of those positions through revenue generated by a sales and use tax imposed pursuant to Tax Code chapter 324
Ken Paxton
Health wellness plan with increased insurance premium for tobacco users
Greg Abbott
Freeze vacant positions in elected county officer's office unless officer fills position by promoting existing county employee or obtains commissioners court's special permission, commissioners court may not|Transfer funds from one line item to another existing line item, commissioners court may in absence of emergency|Amend adopted budget where county does not face emergency, commissioners court may transfer funds at any time, but may not|Discretionary authority to approve budgeted expenditure requested by county officer, commissioners court generally has
Greg Abbott
Notice to elected officers of proposed salary and expenses for upcoming fiscal year, commissioners court must provide after it receives proposed budget from county judge so long as time is sufficient to allow aggrieved officer to file grievance and to have|Notice to elected officers of proposed salary and expenses for upcoming fiscal year, commissioners court must provide after it receives proposed budget from county judge so long as time is sufficient to allow aggrieved officer to file grievance and to hav
Greg Abbott
Longevity pay, an assistant prosecutor's prior service as an elected district attorney, criminal district attorney, or county attorney who performed the duties of a district attorney does not qualify as lifetime service credit
Greg Abbott
Additional fees paid to a court reporter, a district and county court at law court reporter may be paid salary as well as compensated for additional work performed without violating article III, section 53 of Texas Constitution|Additional fees paid to a court reporter, a district and a county court at law court reporter may be paid a salary as well as compensation for additional work performed without violating article III, section 53 of Texas Constitution|Court reporter is not an officer for purposes of article XVI, section 61 of Texas Constitution|Additional fees paid to a court reporter, a district and a county court at law court reporter may be paid a salary as well as compensated for additional work performed without it being a violation of article III, section 53 of Texas Constitution|Transcript prepared by a court reporter, a county may be required to pay fees for a transcript when the county itself is a party to litigation or when transcript is prepared for indigent|Additional compensation|Additional work performed|Officer|Salary
Greg Abbott
Collective bargaining, deputy sheriffs are entitled to organize and collectively bargain under Local Government Code chapter 174, The Fire and Police Employee Relations Act
Greg Abbott
Provisions of the Hidalgo County civil service plan, Hidalgo County deputy district clerks are not subject to the plan and the Commissioners Court cannot amend the civil service plan to include deputy district clerks
Greg Abbott
Practice of supplementing income as commissioned peace officer by working off-duty as private security officer is not a violation of section 36.07 of Penal Code, which prohibits acceptance of honoraria by public servants|Commissioned peace officers who are employees of the state or of a political subdivision of the state who are also employed off-duty as private security officers do not violate acceptance of honoraria prohibition in section 36.07 of Penal Code|Commissioned peace officers employed by the state of political subdivisions of the state who are also employed off-duty as private security officers do not violate acceptance of honoraria prohibition in section 36.07 of Penal Code|License and registration requirements of chapter 1702 do not apply to commissioned peace officers who receive compensation for off-duty employment as security officers|Commissioned peace officer employed by the state or by a political subdivision of the state|Benefit|Honorarium|Peace Officer|Public servant
Greg Abbott
Employee's salary for day when county official closed office for official day of mourning honoring former president, auditor may not charge to vacation leave|Close office for official day of mourning honoring former president and give employee the day off, authority of county official to
Greg Abbott
Longevity pay for assistant prosecutors, credit towards is not accrued for employment as an assistant prosecutor by a state other than Texas|Credit toward longevity pay is not accrued during individuals employment as assistant prosecutor by a state other than Texas
Greg Abbott
Compensating suspended deputy or employee, as a county officer, a sheriff serving as tax assessor-collector has discretion to his suspend deputies and employees as well as the discretion to continue|Suspension with pay, prospective term of employment does not violate constitution where provision serves legitimate public purpose and has sufficient controls to ensure public purpose is served \r\n\r\nSuspension with pay to county employees is gratuitous ex|Salary of county employees, county commissioners court sets when it adopts the county budget
Greg Abbott
Military leave of absence, authority of civil service commission, when a police officer or fire fighter returns from a military leave of absence, to demote officers who had advanced in rank because of the military leave of absence
Greg Abbott
Transfer of funds from one budget item to another to make payments with respect to county judge's state salary supplement|State supplement to county judge's salary if at least 40 percent of functions he performs are judicial functions|Transfer of funds from one item in county budget to another to make payments with respect to county judge's state salary supplement|Magistrate, service as is a judicial function|Magistrates of the county, including district judges, county judges, judges of the county courts at law, the judges of statutory probate courts, justices of the peace, and city judges have a mandatory duty to give statutory warnings to arrested person brought before them|Judicial function
Greg Abbott
Justice of the peace is not a county employee and salary and other compensation is set by the commissioners court|Dual office holding, justice of the peace is not barred by dual office holding provisions from simultaneous service as county emergency medical services employee|Simultaneous service as county emergency medical services employee, justice of the peace is not barred by dual office holding provisions from |Simultaneous service as director of county emergency medical services, sheriff's dispatcher is not barred from
Greg Abbott
Employment policy, adopted by the county commissioners court, that prohibits the rehire of an individual whose employment relationship with the county terminated within one year of the proposed rehiring does not apply to an appointment by the constable
Greg Abbott
Performance bonus based on achievement of preset performance goals, commissioners court may not pay to elected county officials
Greg Abbott
Official court reporter for multi-county district court, reimbursement for expenses of performing official duties in reporter’s county of residence and in other counties \r\n\r\nCourt reporter for district court is not an employee within Local Government Code section 152.011|Official court reporter for multi-county district court, reimbursement for expenses of performing official duties in reporter’s county of residence and in other counties
Greg Abbott
Discretion to provide medical insurance for juvenile board, county commissioners have|Eligibility for county medical insurance, juvenile board members|Compensation|Medical insurance, included within the term "compensation"
Greg Abbott
Discretionary authority to establish, increase, decrease, or eliminate the compensation paid \r\nto the judges serving on a juvenile board, a commissioner court has under section 152.0034(b) of the Human Resources Code
Greg Abbott
Benefits under chapter 615 of the Government Code, we will not speculate on the meaning a court would give to the phrase \\"continued health insurance benefits\\" given the latent ambiguity in section 615.073 and the circumstances by which a surviving spouse becomes eligible for
Greg Abbott
Investigator appointed by county probate judge is covered by the Tarrant County civil service system|Investigator appointed by county probate judge is covered by the Tarrant County civil service system
Greg Abbott
Visiting statutory county court judge not barred from simultaneously serving as county director of Judicial Support Services|Director of Judicial Support Services for county, visiting statutory county court judge not barred from simultaneously serving as|Visiting statutory county court judge and county director of Judicial Support Services, individual not barred from simultaneously holding both positions of
Greg Abbott
Reserve law enforcement officers, a county commissioners court and county fire marshal lack authority to commission or appoint volunteer assistant fire marshals as|Volunteer assistant fire marshal, the statutory definition of \\"reserve law enforcement officer\\" does not include a|A person appointed to serve as a volunteer assistant fire marshal is not, as an automatic consequence of the appointment, a reserve law enforcement officer|Reserve law enforcement officer
Greg Abbott
County commissioners court exercising its authority under subsection 157.021(a), Local Government Code, establishing a 40-hour workweek for county employees may withhold partial salaries and benefits of county employees working less than the required hours so long as doing so does not preclude an independent, elected officer from fulfilling his or her core functions|Without discretion to withhold the payment of unbudgeted overtime, under subsection 157.021(b)(1), Local Government Code, when an emergency has been declared by a county or district officer, a county commissioners court is|County commissioners court may be precluded from seeking to recoup salary payments from employees for the time period the employees were dismissed by the officer’s declaring an emergency under subsection 157.021(b)(1), Local Government Code, if such an action prevents an elected officer from performing his or her core duties|County commissioners court may not without consent presume to deduct the emergency overtime under subsection 157.021(b)(1) from an officer’s budgeted allowances|Commissioners court exercising its authority under Local Government Code subsection 157.021(a) to establish a 40-hour workweek is implicitly authorized to mandate the method of timekeeping used by county employees|Withhold partial salaries and benefits of county employees working less than the required established workweek, so long as it does not preclude an independent, elected officer from fulfilling his or her core functions, a county commissioners court exercising its authority under subsection 157.021(a), Local Government Code, may|Salary payments from employees for the time period the employees were dismissed by an officer’s declaring an emergency under subsection 157.021(b)(1), Local Government Code, if such an action prevents an elected officer from performing his or her core duties, a county commissioners court may be precluded from seeking to recoup|Emergency overtime under subsection 157.021(b)(1) from an officer’s budgeted allowances, County commissioners court may not without consent presume to deduct the|Method of timekeeping used by county employees, Commissioners court exercising its authority under Local Government Code subsection 157.021(a) to establish a 40-hour
Greg Abbott
A commissioners court that acts to remove a proposed raise from the budget at the final budget hearing without giving additional notice to county officers and without giving the elected officials a chance to seek redress from the salary grievance committee acts contrary to the requirements of chapter 152 of the Local Gov\\'t Code|County budget, a district court’s supervisory jurisdiction could be invoked to seek a determination whether the commissioners court acted beyond its jurisdiction or clearly abused its discretion in adopting the|Proposed salary increases, county and precinct officers here are not entitled to the
Greg Abbott
Local Government Code subsection 81.005(a) is directory|Pursuant to Local Government Code subsection 81.005(h), a county commissioners court may change the designated day of the week it convenes during the county\\'s current fiscal year.|Because Local Government Code subsection 81.005(a)is a directory statute, it is unlikely that a reviewing court would invalidate a commissioners court order, tabled from the prior fiscal year, that designates a new day in the current fiscal year|Pursuant to Local Government Code subsection 81.005(h), a county commissioners court may change the designated day of the week it convenes during the county\\'s current fiscal year
Greg Abbott
Commissioners Court authority to prohibit animals in a county courthouse that includes the offices of an independent elected official|Animals, commissioners court authority to prohibit animals in a county courthouse that includes the offices of an independent elected official|County Attorney, Commissioners Court authority to prohibit animals in a county courthouse that includes the offices of the county attorney|Animals, commissioners court authority to prohibit animals in a county courthouse that includes the offices of a county attorney
Greg Abbott
District court reporter, employment status of, is context-specific and cannot be determined for all purposes|District court reporter, district judge who appoints an official district court reporter has the sole authority to terminate|District court reporter, county has no authority to influence or direct the employment of
Greg Abbott
The federal Hatch Act - a state employee is prohibited from becoming a candidate for elective office if the salary of the employee is paid completely by federal funds under|Texas statutes, a state employee is not prohibited from becoming a candidate for elective office under|Texas Constitution article 16, section 40(b), a state employee is not prohibited from assuming elected county office under
Greg Abbott
Bailiff position, the Legislature has not authorized the creation of an additional bailiff position for the 105th District Court|Additional staff - if the 105th District Court determines that additional staff is needed to aid court in the exercise of its judicial functions, Court may rely on Government Code section 74.103 and inherent power to appoint necessary personnel other than a bailiff|Bailiff position, the Legislature has not authorized the creation of an additional bailiff position for the 105th District Court.|Additional staff - if the 105th District Court determines it needs additional staff to aid in the exercise of its judicial functions, Court may rely on Government Code section 74.103 and inherent power to appoint necessary personnel other than a bailiff.
Greg Abbott
Concurrent service of juvenile probation officer and school district trustee
Dan Morales
Juvenile board and chief juvenile probation officer, allocation of authority to hire and fire employees of Brazos County Juvenile Probation Department|Brazos County Juvenile Probation Department employees, allocation of hiring and firing authority between juvenile board and chief juvenile probation officer
Dan Morales
Juvenile board members have no authority to set their own salaries without commissioners court's approval
Dan Morales
Remove county officers, commissioners courts have no authority to|Emergency services district, rural fire prevention district, and Comal County Water Oriented Recreation District, members of the governing boards of are county officers within removal provision|Removal of county officers by district judge after a trial
Dan Morales
Official court reporters employed in Denton County Courts at Law, the Commissioners Court of Denton County has authority to set compensation of|Compensation of official court reporters, the Commissioners Court of Denton County has authority to set when court reporter is employee in the Denton County Courts at Law|Official court reporters in the Denton County Courts at Law, Commissioners Court has authority to set compensation of
Dan Morales
Political subdivision of state required to provide workers' compensation coverage for employees
Dan Morales
County order limiting supplemental workers' compensation may not be applied to county employees injured prior to adoption|Order limiting supplemental workers' compensation may not be applied to county employees injured prior to adoption|Supplemental workers' compensation, order limiting may not be applied to county employees injured prior to adoption
Dan Morales
Medical coverage provided by county to employees through single-employer, self-funded plan subject to certain Insurance Code provisions but not to Federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act|Medical coverage provided by county to employees through single-employer, self-funded plan; subject to certain Insurance Code provisions but not to Federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act|Employee Retirement Income Security Act does not preempt Insurance Code provisions to the extent they apply to governmental employee benefit plan
Dan Morales
Travel expenses of forensic pathologist applicant, county commissioners court's authority to use county funds to pay|Travel expenses of forensic pathologist applicant, county commissioners court's use of public funds to pay
Dan Morales
Deduction from salary or withholding of salary warrants not authorized from justice of the peace's employee for shortage of collections|Employee liability for shortage of collections|Liability of justice of the peace's employee for shortage of collections
Dan Morales
Medical coverage for district officers, authority of county to provide and phase out|Americans with Disabilities Act, application to county plan to phase out medical coverage for district officers|Medical coverage for district judges, authority of county to provide|Medical coverage for district attorney, authority of county to provide|Medical coverage for district judges, district attorneys, and county extension agents, authority of county to provide|Medical coverage for district officers, county's plan to phase out|Medical coverage for agricultural and home extension agents, authority of county to provide
Dan Morales
Expanded system, inclusion of deputy sheriffs and deputy constables in|Subpoena power, commission's authority to adopt|Civil service commission's authority to adopt subpoena power|Expanded civil service system, inclusion of deputy sheriffs and deputy constables in|Subpoena power, county civil service commission's authority to adopt|County civil service commission's authority to adopt subpoena power|County civil service system, inclusion of deputy sheriffs and deputy constables in expanded|Civil service system, inclusion of deputy sheriffs and deputy constables in expanded
Dan Morales
Classification of person as civil service "employee" (Affirmed by Tex. Att'y Gen. LO-97-016)|Deputy constable classified as "employee" pursuant to civil service statute (Affirmed by Tex. Att'y Gen. LO-97-016)|Civil service, classification of deputy constable as "employee" pursuant to civil service statute (Affirmed by Tex. Att'y Gen. LO-97-016)
Dan Morales
Salary grievance committee may not consider aggrieved elected county officer's complaint after start of fiscal year
Dan Morales
Student loans, federal statute permitting Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation to garnish wages of defaulters on federally-guaranteed loans overrides anti-garnishment provision of state constitution|Warrant for compensation is valuable property, statutory scheme for withholding should afford employee notice and hearing|Garnishment by comptroller of state employee wages to collect guaranteed student loans, permissibility under article XVI, section 28|Anti-garnishment provision of state constitution, federal statute permitting garnishment of wages of defaulters on federally-guaranteed loans overrides|Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation, authority to garnish state and county employee wages|Garnishment of wages to collect guaranteed student loans|Salary warrants, authority to withhold from state employees who default on guaranteed student loans
Dan Morales
Election contest, county may not reimburse sheriff for legal fees incurred in defending|Contested election, county may not reimburse sheriff for legal fees
John Cornyn
Longevity pay, court may set rate for sheriff prospectively\r\n\r\n|Longevity pay, retroactive payment of higher rate to sheriff violates article III, section 53 of Texas Constitution|Longevity pay, court may set rate for sheriff prospectively|Longevity pay, retroactive payment of higher rate to sheriff violates article III, section 53
John Cornyn
Deputy county clerk is an employee, not an officer|County seat, at least one deputy county clerk must reside at if county clerk does not|Deputy county clerk is an employee, not an officer\r\n|Residency requirement of article XVI, section 14 of the Texas Constitution, deputy county clerk is an employee, not an officer, and therefore not subject to\r\n\r\n\r\n
John Cornyn
Conference registration fees and lodging expenses, county constitutionally may pay official's or employee's if commissioners court determines that the expenditure will serve a public purpose and attaches sufficient conditions to the expenditure|Salaries, county probably may not pay in advance of services being rendered|Public notices, county probably may pay publisher in advance of printing|Conference registration and lodging fees, county probably may pay|Public purpose, expenditure to private entity from county funds must serve and must be accompanied by conditions to ensure accomplishment of
John Cornyn
Warrant may not be drawn in favor of justice of the peace against whom judgment for delinquent county property taxes has been entered until debt is paid|Warrant may not be drawn on county fund in favor of justice of the peace against whom judgment for delinquent county property taxes has been entered until debt is paid|Debt
John Cornyn
Unused vacation time, county employee who resigns before anniversary date may not be credited or compensated with unused vacation time where county's personnel policy provides that employee's unused vacation time is credited on the anniversary of the empl
John Cornyn
Closure of office for bad weather, repairs, and the like, whether county official may authorize|Salary, auditor may not withhold payment for time that employee did not work because of officer-approved office closure|Closure of office for bad weather, repairs, and the like, county officers may authorize and pay employees for time they were unable to work|Salary, treasurer may not withhold payment for time that employee did not work because of officer-approved office closure
John Cornyn
Salary increases for officers and employees do not become effective until new budget is adopted by commissioners court, even if budget is not adopted until after start of new fiscal year
John Cornyn
Quo warranto not proper vehicle to effect removal of ineligible individual to be veterans county service officer, but other remedies may be available|Veterans county service officer, non-veteran of the armed forces not eligible to be appointed as
John Cornyn
Compensation of county court at law judges in counties collecting court costs and fees under section 51.702 of the Government Code|County court at law judges, compensation of in counties collecting court costs and fees under section 51.702 of the Government Code|Salaries of county court at law judges set annually
John Cornyn
Employees' compensation and benefits policy tying receipt of each to forty-hour work week, county commissioners court may adopt but may not use to interfere in other county official's sphere of authority to administer his or her office|Office closure, county citizens' recourse against county officer who closes county office for all or part of workday|Close office to allow employees time off for reason unrelated to bad weather, repairs, and the like, official may do so providing that closure does not violate article III, section 52 of the Texas Constitution
John Cornyn
Community supervision and corrections department employees are not county employees and may not be included in expanded county civil service system|Community supervision and corrections department employees, county may not include in its expanded civil service system|Civil service system, county may not include community supervision and corrections department employees in its
John Cornyn
Salary increases for elected officers, special statutory notice must apprise public of maximum potential salary increases|Salary increases for elected officers, notice that is materially misleading concerning rates of proposed increases is not in substantial compliance with special statutory notice provision as a matter of law
John Cornyn
County retirees' health insurance premiums, county may not pay unless the retirement plan is authorized by state law and is consistent with article III, section 53 of the Texas Constitution|County retirees' health insurance premiums, county may not agree to pay unless authorized by state law and consistent with article III, section 53 of the Texas Constitution|County retirees' health insurance premiums, county may not agree to pay if payment would constitute unbargained-for, retroactive compensation|Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 ("COBRA") does not require or authorize a county to pay any portion of a retiree's health insurance premiums or to make health insurance coverage available beyond COBRA's mandatory time periods for co
John Cornyn
File stamp serves as evidence of date and time instrument filed with county clerk|Mail, instruments delivered by mail to county clerk for filing must be "file stamped" and deemed recorded immediately upon receipt and acceptance|File stamp instrument, county clerk is not statutorily required to immediately file stamp instrument upon receiving but should do so for evidentiary purposes|Close office to the public to permit employees to work uninterrupted, county clerk may not without approval of county court|Office hours, county clerk may not alter without approval of county court|File stamp
John Cornyn
Disciplinary procedures applicable to sheriff's department employees covered by county civil service system under chapter 158, subchapter A of the Local Government Code|Disciplinary procedures applicable to sheriff's department employees covered by county civil service system, chapter 158, subchapter A of Local Government Code
John Cornyn
County auditor and assistant county auditors, district judges may increase salaries of even though county budget year has already begun|Salaries, district judges may increase salaries of county auditor and assistant county auditors even though county budget year has already begun
John Cornyn
Bona fide employees association|An "employees association" is not synonymous with a labor organization|Payroll deductions for membership dues to employees associations, employees not entitled to|Payroll deductions for membership dues to employees associations, authority to restrict
John Cornyn
Ratify payment made by county treasurer, commissioners court may if payment otherwise lawful when made|Unconstitutional retroactive compensation for services performed and impermissible private use of public funds, county treasurer's payment of employees' accrued vacation or compensatory time when the county did not have a policy providing for such payment|Accrued vacation and compensatory time, sheriff's deputies may not receive payment for time that accrued when county did not provide for such payment
John Cornyn
Retired county employee, county may invite to participate in county's group health insurance program if retiree pay premiums under chapter 175 of Local Government Code|Retired county employee's health insurance premiums, county may not pay if, at time person retired, the county did not provide for payment of such premiums; county may not seek reimbursement of unconstitutionally paid premiums|Retroactive compensation, county may not pay group health insurance premiums for retired employee absent additional consideration from employee if county did not provide for such coverage nor possibility of such coverage at time of employee's retirement
John Cornyn
Constable, authority of commissioners court to set reasonable salary for
John Cornyn
Health insurance, county is not required to provide it to part-time constable
John Cornyn
Sick-leave pool, county commissioners court may adopt rules specifying how transfer of value of sick leave from contributing employee to and from pool to withdrawing employee affects departmental budgets|Sick-leave pool, employee may contribute unvested sick-leave time|Sick-leave pool, value of sick-leave time is transferred with sick leave to and from
John Cornyn
Salary grievance hearing, elected officer is entitled to have five days after actually receiving written notice of approved salary and personal expenses|Notice of approved salary and personal expenses, county commissioners court is not precluded from faxing to elected officers as a matter of law|Faxing written notice of approved salary and personal expenses to elected officer, commissioners court is not precluded as matter of law from|Fax|Written
John Cornyn
Lifetime service credit, accrual of by assistant prosecutor dependent only on length of service, not continuity or location
John Cornyn
Term of office established by constitution may not be shortened by legislature|Term of office established by Texas Constitution may not be shortened by legislature
John Cornyn
Retroactive compensation, county civil-service commission or sheriff's department civil-service commission may adopt rule permitting award of back pay in certain circumstances without contravening constitutional prohibition of|Back pay, county civil-service commission or sheriff's department civil-service commission may adopt rule permitting award of back pay in certain circumstances|Civil-service commission of sheriff's department may adopt rule permitting award of back pay in certain circumstances
Jim Mattox
Grievance, discipline, and evaluation proceedings, employee subject to has right to open meeting but no right to insist upon closed meeting
Jim Mattox
Salary warrants may be issued for county officers and employees delinquent in ad valorem tax obligations
Ken Paxton
Under article 102.0121 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
the commissioners court, not the prosecuting attorney, ultimately
determines the authorized uses of the county pretrial intervention
program fund. The statute authorizes the commissioners court to
use the pretrial intervention fund for an employee's salary, salary
supplement, or a benefit only to the extent the use of the fund is
solely for the administration of the program.
Ken Paxton
The minimum salary of a county court at law judge with twelve or more years of accrued service under subsection 25.0005(a) of the Government Code is calculated in conjunction with Government Code sections 659.012 and 659.0445.
Ken Paxton
Deputy sheriff not officer and not precluded from simultaneously serving as city councilmember
Ken Paxton
Constitutionality of paying a one-time bonus to administrative staff of county’s justices of the peace
Ken Paxton
Criminal Justice Division of Governor’s Office determines applicability of federal Justice Assistance Grant funds to pay overtime to constable serving as deputy sheriff
Ken Paxton
A court would likely define the term “retired judge” for purposes of Government Code subsection 26.023(a) by reference to its definition in Government Code subsection 74.041(6). Under that construction, a former constitutional county judge who does not otherwise satisfy subsection 74.041(6) is not eligible to be appointed as a visiting judge under Government Code subsection 26.023(a).
Ken Paxton
Authority to determine software systems for county departments.
Ken Paxton
Considering whether a constable’s office is a law enforcement agency subject to application of Local Government Code chapter 120
Ken Paxton
Simultaneous service as a fire chief of a local volunteer fire department and a county commissioner in the same county.