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Disabled Persons


Ken Paxton

Transportation Code section 681.0101 - A court would likely conclude that section 681.0101 does not authorize a political subdivision to appoint a private business to enforce the privileged parking provisions of chapter 681 because a private business is not a "person" under section 681.0101|Privileged parking provisions of Transportation Code chapter 681 - A court would likely conclude that a political subdivision is not authorized to contract with a private business to enforce the privileged parking provisions of chapter 681.

Ken Paxton

Subsection 82.002, Election Code - a qualified voter civilly committed pursuant to Health and Safety Code chapter 841 and residing at the Texas Civil Commitment Center is eligible to vote early by mail pursuant to

Dan Morales

Americans with Disabilities Act preempts, to the extent of conflict, a state law requiring Workers' Compensation Commission to release information to employers about applicants' prior injuries|Americans with Disabilities Act preempts, to the extent of conflict, a state law requiring Commission to release information to employers about applicants' prior injuries

Dan Morales

Available school fund payments to school districts, authority of State Board of Education to enact regulation providing for the deduction of money owed to state schools|Available school fund payments to school districts, authority to enact regulation providing for the deduction of money owed to state schools|Education, authority of State Board of Education to enact regulation providing for deduction of money owed to state schools for blind and deaf students by school districts from available fund payments

Dan Morales

Computerized or electronic device|Public accommodation|Power bingo system, Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits charging handicapped person for use of|Power bingo system, whether availability to handicapped persons is required by Americans with Disabilities Act|Americans with Disabilities Act, whether charging handicapped persons fee for use of power bingo system prohibited by and whether availability of power bingo system to handicapped persons is required by|Public accommodation, licensed bingo operation is "place of public accommodation"|Device using keypad and electronic memory as aid in bingo prohibited

Dan Morales

Historically underutilized businesses, Commission may not promulgate rule deeming businesses owned by disabled persons as|Businesses owned by disabled persons as "historically underutilized businesses," General Services Commission lacks authority to promulgate rule deeming|Historically underutilized businesses, General Services Commission may not promulgate rule deeming businesses owned by disabled persons as|Businesses owned by disabled persons, General Services Commission lacks authority to promulgate rule deeming as "historically underutilized businesses"

Dan Morales

Parking fee, state university may charge to students, faculty, and staff, even if disabled

Dan Morales

Gasoline service station's authority to verify that driver is disabled before providing full-service at self-service price

Dan Morales

Jury room, presence of interpreter for deaf or hearing-impaired juror will not violate due process rights of criminal defendant|Americans with Disabilities Act, deaf or hearing-impaired juror must be provided with interpreter to guarantee right of access to court mandated by|Deaf or hearing-impaired juror must be provided with interpreter to guarantee right of access to court mandated by Americans with Disabilities Act

Dan Morales

Grand jury room, presence of interpreter for deaf grand juror will not violate due process rights of subject of grand jury investigation|Americans with Disabilities Act, deaf or hearing-impaired grand juror must be provided with interpreter to guarantee right of access to court mandated by|Child subject of juvenile detention hearing, deaf or hearing impaired custodial relative of who is not party or witness in proceedings is not entitled to interpreter|Deaf or hearing impaired grand juror must be provided with interpreter to guarantee right of access to court mandated by Americans with Disabilities Act

Dan Morales

Parking fee exemption, scope|Parking fee exemption for disabled persons at municipal airports

Dan Morales

Catalogue purchasing procedures prevail over Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities mandatory purchasing program with respect to state agency computer purchases|Community-rehabilitation-program manufactured computers, catalogue purchasing procedures prevail over Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities mandatory purchasing program with respect to state agency purchases|Computer purchases, catalogue purchasing procedures prevail over Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities mandatory purchasing program|Computer set-asides, catalogue purchasing procedures prevail over council's mandatory purchasing program with respect to state agency purchases

Dan Morales

Hepatitis|Viral hepatitis|Hepatitis, commission may determine by rule what strains of hepatitis license applicant must be tested for, but commission may not refuse to license applicant with hepatitis if applicant is otherwise qualified|Hepatitis, Cosmetology Commission may not refuse to license person with hepatitis if person is otherwise qualified|Cosmetology license, Cosmetology Commission may determine by rule what strains of hepatitis physician must test applicant for|Americans with Disabilities Act, Cosmetology Commission may not, consistent with the act, refuse to license person with hepatitis if otherwise qualified|Hepatitis, Cosmetology Commission may not, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, refuse to license person with hepatitis if otherwise qualified|Hepatitis, Cosmetology Commission may determine by rule what strains of hepatitis physician must test license applicant for, but commission may not refuse to license applicant with hepatitis if applicant is otherwise qualified|Cosmetology license, Cosmetology Commission may determine by rule what strains of hepatitis applicant must be tested for, but commission may not refuse to license applicant with hepatitis if applicant is otherwise qualified

John Cornyn

Examinations administered by Board, duty to accommodate disabilities under Federal Americans with Disabilities Act|Examinations for professional licensing, state examiner's duty to accommodate disabilities under Federal Americans with Disabilities Act|Americans with Disabilities Act, state examiner's duty to accommodate disabilities in professional licensing examinations

John Cornyn

Architectural improvement|Van access aisle in van-accessible parking space, parking a vehicle so as to obstruct is an offense|Parking space for the disabled, parking a vehicle so as to obstruct van access aisle is an offense

John Cornyn

Appropriated funds may not be used to attempt to influence the passage or defeat of legislation|Appropriated money|State agency|Federal funds deposited in the state treasury and appropriated to state agency are subject to state restrictions on the use of appropriated funds for lobbying|Prohibition on use of appropriated money to attempt to influence the passage or defeat of legislation applies to federal funds deposited in state treasury and appropriated to state agency|Lobbying restrictions on appropriated money apply to federal funds granted to state for use of Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities|Council for Developmental Disabilities may not use appropriated money to attempt to influence the passage or defeat of legislation

John Cornyn

Parking spaces for vehicles used by disabled persons, law assigning half of such spaces for the exclusive use of vehicles used by persons with permanent mobility disabilities and remaining spaces to vehicles used by persons with any disability does not re

John Cornyn

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's investigation into discrimination by Board of Medical Examiners in licensing practices, Board must disclose to EEOC requested information that is relevant to|Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's request for information relevant to a pending investigation, state agency must comply although state statute deems requested information confidential|Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's request for information relevant to a pending investigation, state statute deeming requested information confidential is preempted by federal statute authorizing|Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's request for information relevant to a pending investigation regarding licensing practices of State Board of Medical Examiners, Board must comply with although state statute deems the requested information confiden|Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's request for information relevant to a pending investigation regarding Board's licensing practices, Board must comply with although requested information is confidential under Medical Practice Act

John Cornyn

Vocational rehabilitation services, defined as services Commission determines are necessary to compensate blind individual so that individual may engage in remunerative occupation, Commission is charged to provide|Vocational rehabilitation|Vocational rehabilitation services|Rehabilitation training|Vocational rehabilitation services, defined as services Commission for the Blind determines are necessary to compensate blind individual so that individual may engage in remunerative occupation, Commission for the Blind is charged to provide

John Cornyn

Disciplinary policy, application by school district to special education students may implicate specific state and federal safeguards|Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, application of disciplinary policy to special education students by school district may implicate|Corporal punishment and physical restraint, school district's policy statement regarding is generally within board's authority to manage district and make rules for health and safety of students, employees and property

John Cornyn

Physician-patient privilege, application to medical information provided by person with disability to state agency in request for accommodations in licensing examination|Medical information provided by person with disability to state agency in request for accommodations in licensing examination is not confidential under Americans with Disabilities Act|Medical information provided by person with a disability to a state agency in requesting accommodations in a licensing examination, application of physician-patient privilege to

John Cornyn

Grand jury hearing is "criminal proceeding" for purposes of statute requiring properly trained interpreters for non-English speaking or deaf or hearing-impaired witnesses|Criminal proceeding

Ken Paxton

Whether a court with probate jurisdiction may authorize guardians to require a mentally incapacitated ward who wishes to act as a pro se defendant to instead use legal counsel in criminal or civil proceedings or may themselves proceed pro se on the ward’s behalf, as well as whether an attorney who aids non-attorney guardians in acting as a ward’s pro se alter ego improperly assists in the unauthorized practice of law.