Fire Fighters
Ken Paxton
Provision of health insurance benefits to surviving spouse of municipal fire fighter under Government Code section 615.073
Greg Abbott
Member of police department means employee of the department who has a peace officer's license|Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education, phrase refers to Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education|Member of fire department|Member of police department|Hours of labor and vacation of members of fire and police department in certain municipalities applies only to a "member of the fire department" or to a "member of the police department"|Fire protection personnel, "member of the fire department" means an employee who is defined as
Greg Abbott
Civil service coverage, application to certain members of municipal fire department|Fire department member entitled to civil service protection if position requires substantial knowledge of fire fighting and work in the fire department
Greg Abbott
Tax imposed by municipality included in water user's bill dedicated to maintenance of fire fighting equipment, general-law municipality has no statutory authority to levy|Conveyances of personal and real property from general-law municipality to volunteer fire fighting associations, validity not affected by fact that city council member simultaneously served on fire fighting association board nor by council member's possib|Neither volunteer fire fighter nor member of board of fire fighting association is not an office|Validation act, three-year old contract may not be invalidated because one person served as member of both signing entities|Validation act does not affect city council member's possible criminal liability for violating statutory conflict-of-interest requirements, but does validate council agreements although council member may have violated criminal liability
Greg Abbott
Military leave-time account, municipal fire fighters and police officers are entitled to donate any amount of leave to their department's military leave-time account that they would be entitled to for themselves|Delete time from military leave-time account, a municipality may not|Insurance and benefits coverage, municipality must maintain when a municipal fire fighter or police officer is called for military duty, but only on the terms in effect when the employee received the call which may include the employees' obligations to pa|Military leave-time account, municipal fire fighters are entitled to donate any amount of leave to their department's military leave-time account that they would be entitled to use for themselves|Delete time from the military leave-time account, a municipality may not|Insurance and benefits coverage, when a municipal fire fighter is called for military duty a municipality must maintain, but only on the terms in effect when the employee received the call which may include the employees' obligations to pay their portion |Military leave-time account, municipal fire fighters and police officers are entitled to donate any amount of leave to their department's military leave-time account that they would be entitled to use for themselves|Insurance and benefits coverage, municipality must maintain when a police officer is called for military duty, but only on the terms in effect when the employee received the call which may include the employees' obligations to pay their portion of any pre|Military leave-time account, municipal police officers are entitled to donate any amount of leave to their department's military leave-time account that they would be entitled to use for themselves
Greg Abbott
Office of Fire Fighters' Pension Commissioner, authority to charge fee to participating departments in retirement system|Office of the Fire Fighters' Pension Commissioner, authority to charge fee to participating departments in retirement system
Greg Abbott
Fire Protection, Commission on, may provide reimbursement for room and board as part of scholarship for students who attend a fire fighters training school, and may also fund room and board for fire fighters who attend the school under a Texas Forest Serv|Reimbursement for room and board, Commission on Fire Protection may provide as part of scholarship for students who attend training school, and may also fund for fire fighters who attend the school under the Texas Forest Service tuition-only scholarship
Greg Abbott
Military leave of absence, authority of civil service commission, when a police officer or fire fighter returns from a military leave of absence, to demote officers who had advanced in rank because of the military leave of absence
Greg Abbott
Fire science courses offered at institutions of higher education, "fire science" is a technical term referring to courses that fall within a designated fire science curriculum as well as courses primarily related to fire service, emergency medicine, emergency management, or public administration regardless of whether those courses fall within the curriculum designed as "fire science"|Tuition for fire fighters enrolled in fire science courses, fire fighter seeking exemption from tuition need not be pursuing a degree in fire science and may already have a degree in fire science|Tuition and laboratory fees at public junior colleges and four-year colleges and universities, a fire fighter is exempt from paying|Tuition and fees at public junior colleges, a public junior college's charges are what the college designates them to be|Tuition for fire fighters enrolled in fire science courses, fire fighter seeking exemption from tuition need not be pursuing a degree in fire science and may already have a degree in fire science\r\n|Public junior college's charges are what the college designates them to be|Houston Community College's "general fee" is not tuition|Houston Community College, to the extent that it assesses a fee for its operation, that fee would be tuition and a fire fighter exempt from paying tuition would have to pay that non-tuition fee|Fire science|Tuition|Fee
Greg Abbott
Required appearance as witness before civil service commission, police officers and fire fighters are not entitled to payment from municipality for |Required appearance as witness before civil service commission, fire fighters are not entitled to payment from municipality for |Required appearance as witness before civil service commission, police officers are not entitled to payment from municipality for
Greg Abbott
Payroll deduction under the Fire and Police Employee Relations Act, general-law city with population below 10,000 has implicit authority to provide
Greg Abbott
Fire chief’s authority to appoint deputies in civil service municipalities that adopt the Fire and Police Employees Relations Act|Civil service municipality’s adoption of the Fire and Police Employees Relations Act, effect on fire chief’s authority to appoint deputies|Adopted by election, the Fire and Police Employees Relations Act is|Subsection
Greg Abbott
Device having the appearance of a fire hydrant, water company’s authority to paint it black
Greg Abbott
Fire chief’s authority to appoint deputies in civil service municipalities that adopt the Fire and Police Employee Relations Act; reaffirming Attorney General Opinion GA-0662 (2008)|Fire chief’s authority to appoint deputies in civil service municipalities that have adopted the Fire and Police Employee Relations Act; reaffirming Attorney General Opinion GA-0662 (2008)|Subsection; reaffirming Attorney General Opinion GA-0662 (2008)
Greg Abbott
Whether a civilian advisory committee may review information maintained in a police department personnel file under Texas Local Government Code section 143.089(g) will depend on specific facts
Greg Abbott
Benefits under chapter 615 of the Government Code, we will not speculate on the meaning a court would give to the phrase \\"continued health insurance benefits\\" given the latent ambiguity in section 615.073 and the circumstances by which a surviving spouse becomes eligible for
Greg Abbott
Municipality generally is not a \\"business entity\\" for purposes of the conflict of interest provisions of chapter 171 of the Texas Local Government Code|Firefighter who is an employee and not an officer of a municipality may simultaneously serve as a member of a different municipality’s city council, article XVI, section 40 does not preclude. nor the common-law incompatibility doctrine preclude a firefighter who is an employee and not an officer of a municipality from simultaneously serving as member of a different municipality’s city council|Firefighter who is an employee and not an officer of a municipality may simultaneously serve as a member of a different municipality’s city council, common-law incompatibility doctrine does not preclude|Conflicts of interest, dual office holding, and common-law incompatibility doctrine, firefighter simultaneously holding office of city council member
Greg Abbott
Impose fee for applicant to take fire department civil service promotional examination, commission may not impose such a fee because civil service commission lacks express statutory authority to
Greg Abbott
Reserve law enforcement officers, a county commissioners court and county fire marshal lack authority to commission or appoint volunteer assistant fire marshals as|Volunteer assistant fire marshal, the statutory definition of \\"reserve law enforcement officer\\" does not include a|A person appointed to serve as a volunteer assistant fire marshal is not, as an automatic consequence of the appointment, a reserve law enforcement officer|Reserve law enforcement officer
Greg Abbott
Final say on where to land a helicopter at a traffic accident scene, a helicopter pilot rather than a sheriff’s office or fire department would always have the
Dan Morales
Assistant fire chief, deputy constable may also serve as|Office, assistant fire chief of City of Houston Fire Department does not hold and therefore is not subject to constitutional dual office holding prohibitions or common-law doctrine of incompatibility|Assistant fire chief of City of Houston Fire Department is not subject to constitutional prohibition against dual office holding|Assistant fire chief of City of Houston Fire Department is not subject to common-law incompatibility analysis
Dan Morales
Vacation days, eligibility of police officers in city of greater than 30,000 population to|Vacation days, eligibility of fire fighters in city of greater than 30,000 population to|Vacation days, eligibility of fire fighters and police officers in city of greater than 30,000 population to
Dan Morales
Rules adopted by fire and police civil service commission, authority of city to approve, reject, or review
John Cornyn
Trade association, whether Texas Fire Chiefs' Association, Texas State Association of Fire Fighters, State Firemen's and Fire Marshals' Association of Texas, or Texas Association of Fire Educators is|Trade association
John Cornyn
Citizenship requirement, authority of civil service commission to impose for beginning fire fighters
John Cornyn
Member of city council barred from simultaneously serving as volunteer fire fighter|Volunteer fire fighter, member of city council barred from simultaneously serving as
John Cornyn
Written reprimand may not be retained in civil-service director's file that is open to the public unless the misconduct at issue in the written reprimand results in disciplinary action|Written reprimand, as a matter of state law a civil-service commission is not subject to chapters G, H, I, or J of chapter 143 of the Local Government Code and has no jurisdiction to consider appeal of|Written reprimand, as a matter of state law civil-service commission is not subject to chapters G, H, I, or J of chapter 143 of the Local Government Code and has no jurisdiction to consider appeal of|Written reprimand, civil-service director may not retain written reprimand in employee's personnel file that is open to the public unless the misconduct at issue in the reprimand results in disciplinary action|Disciplinary action
John Cornyn
Common-law incompatibility does not bar constable from serving as municipal fire fighter|Constable not barred by common-law incompatibility from serving as municipal fire fighter|Constable not barred from serving as municipal fire fighter
John Cornyn
Police officer's or fire fighter's confidential file may be released to city manager and city attorney with consent of chief executive and governing body of municipality|Police officer's and fire fighter's confidential file may be released to city manager and city attorney with consent of chief executive and governing body of municipality|Police officer's or fire fighter's confidential personnel file may be released to city manager and city attorney with consent of chief executive and governing body of municipality
John Cornyn
Retirement benefit under section 143.073(b) of the Local Government Code for fire fighters and police officers injured or becoming ill in the line of duty is available only if pension fund is exclusively for fire fighters or police officers rather than al|Benefit under section 143.073(b) of the Local Government Code for fire fighters and police officers injured or becoming ill in the line of duty is available only if pension fund is exclusively for fire fighters or police officers, not if fund covers all c
John Cornyn
Volunteer fire fighter, county commissioner may serve as|County commissioner may serve as volunteer fire fighter
Jim Mattox
Training requirements, volunteers who work for volunteer fire department that is not a division of a local government are not subject to regulatory; employees of fire department that is a department of a local government may be subject to|Fire protection personnel
Ken Paxton
The dual service contemplated under Local Government Code section 21.003 is prohibited without a resolution adopted by the city council
Ken Paxton
Simultaneous service as a fire chief of a local volunteer fire department and a county commissioner in the same county.