Personal information regarding jurors who have served in criminal proceeding is confidential and may not be released to anyone without order from trial court|Juror personal information in civil cases is confidential with respect to third parties but may be released to litigants in action|Jurors who have served in a criminal proceeding, statute rendering personal information confidential does not preclude provision of such information to counsel for purpose of jury selection|Jury list, clerk may not provide list to one party and withhold from other party|Jury list, in both civil and criminal actions jury list must be disclosed to parties when they announce ready for trial|Jury list, subject to direction of presiding judge the clerk may release to parties any time after list has been delivered to sheriff to summon jurors|Jury list, subject to direction of presiding judge the clerk may release list to parties any time after list has been delivered to sheriff to summon jurorsRequest Date
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