Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al’s Office Announces For­mer RadioShack Will Begin Process of Com­pen­sat­ing Con­sumers for Gift Cards

“This implementation confirms that the voice of the consumer is being heard, and we are pleased RadioShack is honoring its commitment to customers holding millions in unredeemed gift cards," said Attorney General Paxton. "In any bankruptcy proceeding, it's vital that the interests of consumers are represented and considered, and it's appropriate that former RadioShack customers have this opportunity to file and eventually redeem their claims."

December 02, 2015 | Press Release

Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton and W.Va. Attor­ney Gen­er­al Mor­risey Under­score Legal Lim­its of Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion on Cli­mate Accord

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey have called on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to fully acknowledge the legal limits faced by President Obama’s environmental agenda as the secretary negotiates at the upcoming United Nations summit on climate change, also known as Paris 2015 and COP21.

November 24, 2015 | Press Release

Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al’s Office Obtains Judg­ment Halt­ing Unlaw­ful Oper­a­tions of Dal­las-Area Solar Pan­el Company

The Texas Attorney General’s Office today filed an agreed final judgment and permanent injunction that resolves the State’s legal action against 1SolTech Inc. and its three principals, Sandy Fardi, Hossein “Zak” Fardi and Ali Enrique Razavi. Under the agreed judgment, filed in Travis County District court, the defendants are ordered to cease making misrepresentations on the geographical origin and certifications of their solar panels. 1 SolTech will pay $5.8 million in civil penalties and attorney’s fees, as well as more than $2.7 million in restitution to affected consumers.

November 23, 2015 | Press Release

Pur­port­ed Vet­er­ans Orga­ni­za­tion Ordered to Shut Down in Texas for Deceiv­ing Texas Donors

“Donors have one thing in mind when they donate to charities: helping people in need,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton. “It is particularly outrageous that VSO cheated veterans in need of help and those good citizens who wanted to help them. Bad actors like these not only take advantage of people’s good intentions, they damage the good reputations of other charities that are operating in good faith. This judgment will permanently ban the defendants from operating in Texas, so they no longer can misrepresent to Texas donors that their donations help local veterans with work and housing.”

November 18, 2015 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton State­ment on SCO­TUS Deci­sion in Mul­lenix v. Luna

This is a victory for the men and women who risk their lives to protect and serve the people of Texas. Officer Mullenix acted reasonably to protect his fellow officers in a rapidly-developing car chase involving a fugitive threatening to kill law enforcement in his path. The Court properly determined that Mullenix had qualified immunity from a trial second-guessing his actions to protect other officers and the public. Today's decision recognizes that in the face of dangerous, life-threatening situations, our law enforcement officers must have the necessary latitude to make critical decisions in an instant to protect themselves and the public from harm.”

November 09, 2015 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton: Pro­tect the Free Exer­cise of Reli­gion from Gov­ern­ment Intrusion

“These important cases before the Supreme Court underscore the need for us to stand strong in the face of continued assaults on religious liberties in our nation,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “No citizen should be forced by the federal government to comply with mandates that violate their conscience, or pay fines just for living in accordance with their beliefs. We hope the Court will reaffirm our rights and protect the free exercise of religion from government intrusion.”

November 06, 2015 | Press Release

Inves­ti­ga­tion Lands Cedar Park Man in Jail for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced the Attorney General’s Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) successfully executed a search warrant resulting in the arrest of Gerardo Gamez, 44, of Cedar Park, for ten counts of possession of child pornography.

November 03, 2015 | Press Release

Attor­ney Gen­er­al’s Office Defends Texas Law Pro­tect­ing Tax­pay­ers; Files to Inter­vene in City of Austin

“The City of Austin has made it clear they want one thing and one thing only ”“ more tax revenue,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Austin’s plan would expose every property owner in Austin, and ultimately all of Texas, to the potential of higher property taxes, and it’s the duty of this office to give Texas taxpayers a voice and defend state law.”

October 29, 2015 | Press Release

Inves­ti­ga­tion Lands Uvalde Coun­ty Man in Jail for Online Solic­i­ta­tion of a Minor

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced the Attorney General’s Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) investigators served an arrest warrant on Henry Francis Bunk III, 44, for online solicitation of a minor. This warrant was served at the Uvalde County Jail where Bunk was already being held for violating his sex offender requirements.

October 26, 2015 | Press Release

Gen­er­al Pax­ton Files Suit Against Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment to Halt Ille­gal EPA Pow­er Plan

“Once again, President Obama and his EPA have overstepped their legal authority and enacted a regulation that will dramatically raise Texans’ electric bills and threaten the reliability of the electric grid,” said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. “The Texas Attorney General’s Office is leading a nationwide coalition, along

October 23, 2015 | Press Release