Pax­ton Announces Details of $290 Mil­lion Opi­oid Settlement

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced a $290 million statewide opioid settlement agreement with Johnson & Johnson to resolve opioid-related claims.

October 26, 2021 | Press Release

Pax­ton Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion, Demands Con­tin­u­a­tion of Manda­to­ry Bor­der Wall Construction

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that he is co-leading another lawsuit against the Biden Administration, with Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, demanding that the federal government continue to build the border wall using funds that Congress has already appropriated for it.

October 21, 2021 | Press Release

Pax­ton Calls Atten­tion to Domes­tic Vio­lence on Go Pur­ple Day

For the seventh year, on October 21, 2021, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and the OAG employees participated in the Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) Purple Day event.

October 21, 2021 | Press Release

Pax­ton Announces For­ma­tion of Cold Case and Miss­ing Per­sons Unit

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the formation of the new Cold Case and Missing Persons Unit within the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).

October 19, 2021 | Press Release

Pax­ton Leads Mul­ti­state Coali­tion Defend­ing Coach’s Right to Prayer

Attorney General Ken Paxton led a 23-state coalition defending religious liberty for a high school football coach who was unjustly fired for praying after games.  

October 19, 2021 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Announces For­ma­tion of 2021 Texas Elec­tion Integri­ty Unit

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced the formation of his 2021 Texas Election Integrity Unit, which is a concentrated effort to devote agency lawyers, investigators, support staff, and resources to ensuring this local election season—which begins with early voting today, Monday, October 18—is run transparently and securely.

October 18, 2021 | Press Release

Pax­ton Vis­its the Bor­der, Wit­ness­es Dev­as­ta­tion from Biden’s Failed Immi­gra­tion Policies

Attorney General Ken Paxton traveled to Del Rio and Brackettville this week to see firsthand the devastating effects of the Biden Administration’s failed immigration policies.

October 15, 2021 | Press Release

Pax­ton Vic­to­ri­ous Against San Anto­nio ISD Unlaw­ful Vac­cine Mandate

All employees of San Antonio ISD should know that they are not required to be vaccinated at this time and cannot be terminated for not being vaccinated.

October 14, 2021 | Press Release

Pax­ton Joins Coali­tion to Stop Face­book from Exploit­ing Children

In a letter to the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security, Attorney General Ken Paxton joined a coalition of 52 attorneys general to express strong support for the hearings being conducted by the subcommittee on Facebook’s disastrous plans to increase user engagement by targeting our nation’s youth.

October 05, 2021 | Press Release