AG Pax­ton Joins Let­ter to U.S. Sen­ate and House Lead­ers Urg­ing an End to Anti-Police Rhetoric

Attorney General Ken Paxton  joined a letter to leaders in the United States Senate and House of Representatives, requesting assistance in tempering anti-police rhetoric that jeopardizes the safety of peace officers and discouraging dangerous disinformation in order to restore the country’s faith in law-enforcement officers. 

June 24, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Warns Coun­ty Offi­cials to Avoid Mis­lead­ing the Pub­lic on Vote by Mail Laws

Following recent decisions by the Texas Supreme Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit, Attorney General Ken Paxton today issued another guidance letter to Texas county judges and election officials, warning that Texans may not claim disability based on fears of contracting COVID-19 to obtain a mail-in ballot.

June 12, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Joins FCC and Six States in Effort to Halt Unlaw­ful Robocalls

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that he joined six other attorneys general in a federal lawsuit against John C. Spiller, II and Jakob Mears, along with their Texas-based companies Rising Eagle Capital Group LLC and JSquared Telecom LLC.

June 09, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Fifth Cir­cuit Strikes Down Bur­den­some Require­ments That Harmed Prison’s Abil­i­ty to Pro­tect Inmates and Staff from COVID-19

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit today vacated a district court’s injunction, which imposed burdensome requirements against prison officials that unnecessarily exceed several measures already implemented by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ).

June 05, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Joins 52 AG Coali­tion Applaud­ing FCC Efforts to Aid Law Enforce­ment and End Ille­gal Robocalls

Attorney General Ken Paxton yesterday joined a coalition of 52 attorneys general in a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), applauding an amendment to rules created under the Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act (TRACED Act) which now allows efforts to trace the origin of suspected unlawful robocalls and coordinate with state attorneys general. 

June 05, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Com­mends Fifth Cir­cuit for Block­ing Dis­trict Court Deci­sion Man­dat­ing Unlaw­ful, Uni­ver­sal Mail-In Balloting

Attorney General Ken Paxton today commended the  U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for its unanimous decision blocking the federal district court in San Antonio’s unlawful order, which allowed anyone  in Texas  to vote by mail using protections specifically created to aid those with an actual  disability or illness.    

June 04, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Opin­ion: Employ­ees Must Con­sent to Pay­roll Deduc­tions for Pub­lic Sec­tor Union or Orga­ni­za­tion Fees and Dues

Attorney General Ken Paxton today  issued a legal opinion in response to a request by Texas Rep. Briscoe Cain regarding the application of the United States Supreme Court’s Janus decision to payroll deductions permitted by the Texas Legislature.

June 01, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Reach­es Bipar­ti­san Agree­ment with Texas Coun­ties and Cities in Prepa­ra­tion for Set­tle­ment with Opi­oid Defendants

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced a coordinated bipartisan agreement with county leaders from around the state regarding the way Texas will direct future settlement money to people most impacted from the opioid epidemic.

May 28, 2020 | Press Release