AG Pax­ton Applauds Trump Admin­is­tra­tion’s Repeal of the Unlaw­ful Oba­ma-Era Clean Pow­er Plan

“We appreciate the Trump administration’s recognition that the Clean Power Plan is unlawful and bad energy policy for Texas and the rest of the nation,” Attorney General Paxton said. “It’s gratifying that our lawsuit against Obama-era federal overreach was a catalyst for repeal of the plan. We look forward to working with the administration to craft a new strategy that will protect the environment without hurting jobs and the economy.”

October 10, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton’s Opin­ion: Law Enforce­ment Agen­cies Are Eli­gi­ble for Pre­scrip­tion Drug That Helps Save Lives from Opi­oid Overdoses

“With regard to distributing an opioid antagonist, the statute provides that a ”˜person or organization acting under a standing order . . . may distribute an opioid antagonist.’ Thus, the Legislature made clear its intent that the law authorizes both individuals and law enforcement agencies to obtain opioid antagonists by prescription,” Attorney General Paxton concluded.

October 04, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Texas Reach­es $2 Mil­lion Set­tle­ment with Fraud­u­lent Lead Gen­er­a­tion Company

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that Texas secured an Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (AVC) with LowerMyBills, a lead generation company that misled consumers toward Credit Alliance Group (CAG), which falsely advertised its accreditation and debt management process. This AVC secured $2 million in restitution for eligible consumers.

September 29, 2017 | Press Release

OAG’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests Navar­ro Coun­ty Man for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced today that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested 29-year-old Michael Allen Carter, of Rice, on five counts of Possession of Child Pornography, a third-degree felony. Carter could face up to 10 years in prison per charge if convicted.

September 29, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Files Brief With 5th Cir­cuit Defend­ing the Con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of Texas’ Sanc­tu­ary Cities Law

“Senate Bill 4 represents an important decision by the Legislature to set a statewide policy of cooperation among federal, state and local law enforcement to protect Texans from dangerous criminals being released back into our communities,” Attorney General Paxton said. “As a nation of laws, it is imperative that SB 4 is fully honored in Texas. We look forward to presenting our arguments before the 5th Circuit on this undoubtedly constitutional law.”

September 28, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Issues Con­sumer Alert: Beware of Buy­ing Flood-Dam­aged Vehi­cles in After­math of Hur­ri­cane Harvey

“While most Texas businesses and individuals are law-abiding, there are always those looking to take advantage of consumers by selling them flood-damaged vehicles in the months following a hurricane,” Attorney General Paxton said. “A cleaned-up vehicle could be a ticking time bomb with unseen damage, posing mechanical and safety risks to the buyer. If you suspect fraud, report it to the Consumer Protection Division of my office at 1-800-621-0508. We will aggressively investigate and prosecute cases.”

September 27, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Begins Accept­ing Sanc­tu­ary City Complaints

“The 5th Circuit quickly confirmed what my office and I long maintained: Senate Bill 4 is a common sense measure that prevents governments in Texas from standing in the way of federal enforcement of immigration law,” Attorney General Paxton said. “By enforcing the key provisions of SB 4, we will prevent dangerous criminals from being released back into our Texas communities.”

September 26, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Judge Upholds Texas Deer Breed­ing Rules

“TPWD’s lawful rules regulating the movement of breeder deer reduce the probability of CWD being spread from deer-breeding facilities, where it may exist, and increase the chances of detecting and containing CWD if it does exist,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The rules also serve to protect Texas’ 700,000 licensed deer hunters, along with the thousands of people in rural communities across the state whose livelihoods depend on deer hunting.”

September 25, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Obtains $9.5 Mil­lion Judg­ment Halt­ing Syn­thet­ic Drug Sales at Hous­ton Smoke Shop

“Synthetic drugs are not just illegal, they pose a number of potentially devastating health risks to users,” Attorney General Paxton said. “These smoke shops put young lives at risk by selling them dangerous substances falsely advertised as safe and legal. My office will continue to do everything within its power to protect Texans from this growing threat.”

September 21, 2017 | Press Release

Gov. Abbott and AG Pax­ton Urge Pres­i­dent Trump to Autho­rize FEMA Dis­as­ter Assis­tance for Hous­es of Wor­ship in Wake of Hur­ri­cane Harvey

“Churches have opened their doors to feed, shelter, comfort, and rebuild their communities ”“ even hosting FEMA operations in the process ”“ but this policy has made those very same churches ineligible for assistance because their primary use is, by nature, religious,” Gov. Abbott and Attorney General Paxton wrote. “The policy of denying relief funds for churches discriminates on the grounds of religion and is nothing more than the relic of an administration that preferred rewriting laws to faithfully executing them.”

September 20, 2017 | Press Release