AG Pax­ton Defends Reli­gious Free­dom and Due Process for Church­es of Mag­no­lia, Texas

Attorney General Ken Paxton supported churches in the City of Magnolia as they defend their ability to have their day in court after the city decided to charge houses of worship and other nonprofits higher water rates than everyone else in the city.

March 12, 2020 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Estab­lish­es Resource Web­page for Vol­un­teer Secu­ri­ty in Hous­es of Worship

Attorney General Ken Paxton today launched a webpage containing educational materials and resources for volunteer security teams to legally and effectively protect houses of worship.

March 11, 2020 | Press Release

AG Paxton’s Fugi­tive Appre­hen­sion Unit Reach­es Mile­stone with 12,000 Total Arrests

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today commended the Fugitive Apprehension Unit of his office for reaching a significant milestone since its inception in 2003.

March 10, 2020 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Joins Let­ter to FDA Urg­ing Stronger Pro­tec­tions Against Fla­vored E‑Cigarettes

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined a bipartisan coalition of 26 attorneys general urging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to strengthen its enforcement guidance on e-cigarettes.

February 28, 2020 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton: Fifth Cir­cuit Upholds Texas’s Method of Appoint­ing Pres­i­den­tial Electors

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today applauded the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for affirming the constitutionality of the State’s method of appointing representatives to the Electoral College.

February 27, 2020 | Press Release

Rusk Coun­ty Con­ducts Child Sup­port Roundup; 11 Arrest­ed for Fail­ure to Pay Child Support

Rusk County Sheriff’s Department and Henderson Police Department led a child support roundup that started on Tuesday, February 25, 2020.

February 26, 2020 | Press Release