Fifth Cir­cuit Declares Oba­macare Man­date Uncon­sti­tu­tion­al; Remands to Dis­trict Court to Deter­mine If Any Por­tions of the Law Can Remain

The United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday declared Obamacare’s individual mandate is unconstitutional and remanded the case back to the district court to determine whether any part of Obamacare can remain in light of the mandate’s unconstitutionality.

December 19, 2019 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: State­ment on UK’s Assess­ment of Google in Com­pe­ti­tion and Mar­kets Author­i­ty Report

Today, the United Kingdom’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) released their Online Platforms and Digital Advertising Market Study Interim Report, which assesses the market power of Google and other online platforms.

December 18, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton: Texas Courts Must Respect Parental Rights

Attorney General  Ken Paxton filed an amicus brief in the Texas Supreme Court supporting parental custody rights and arguing against unnecessary government interference in the relationship between parents and children.

December 17, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton: All U.S. Attor­neys Gen­er­al Call on Con­gress to Pass Bipar­ti­san FIGHT Fen­tanyl Act

Attorney General Ken Paxton today joined all 56 attorneys general in calling for Congress to pass the bipartisan Federal Initiative to Guarantee Health by Targeting (FIGHT) Fentanyl Act.

December 11, 2019 | Noteworthy

Law & Lib­er­ty: Reli­gious Liberty

On our very first episode, David Hacker, Special Counsel to the First Assistant Attorney General, joins us as we discuss the free exercise of religion clause listed in our First Amendment. We dig into the finer points of religious liberty and share details of both high and low-profile cases centered around this fundamental right.

December 11, 2019 | Podcast

AG Pax­ton Joins 18-State Coali­tion Urg­ing SCO­TUS to Over­turn the Shut­down of a Job-Pro­duc­ing Pipeline

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced that his office joined a coalition of 18 states urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a lower court ruling that blocked construction on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, impeding the nation’s economic growth.

December 10, 2019 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Defends Right to Life for 9‑Month-Old Baby Girl

Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the District Court of Tarrant County in support of a nine-month-old baby girl who is fighting for her life after Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas denied the baby’s mother’s request to continue life-sustaining treatment for her.

November 22, 2019 | Noteworthy