OAG’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests 3 Men for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested three men this week on charges of Possession of Child Pornography, a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison per charge.

December 01, 2017

AG Pax­ton Files Two Ami­cus Briefs to Pro­tect Unborn Children

“States have a valid interest in protecting the dignity of human life, and defending human life at all stages of development,” Attorney General Paxton said. “No society should tolerate brutal abortion procedures, or killing an unborn child based on discriminatory beliefs regarding disability, gender or race.”

December 01, 2017

AG Pax­ton Files Brief Defend­ing Pres­i­dent Trump’s Legal Author­i­ty to Appoint an Act­ing Direc­tor of the CFPB

“Federal law is on President Trump’s side and the legality of his appointment of Mick Mulvaney to the CFPB was confirmed by the White House counsel’s office, the U.S. Department of Justice and the CFPB’s own general counsel,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The CFPB was unlawfully constituted around an unelected and unaccountable director who ran it as an unauthorized separate branch of government, which is an open invitation for abuses of power. President Trump recognizes that the structure of the CFPB begs checks and balances.”

November 28, 2017

AG Pax­ton Prais­es Gov­er­nor Abbot­t’s Intent to Appoint For­mer AG Staffer, Jim­my Black­lock, to Texas Supreme Court

“I am proud of Jimmy’s tireless legacy of defending the liberty of Texans at the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Attorney General,” Attorney General Paxton said. “He is a constitutional conservative who will faithfully apply the law and not bend to the desire to rewrite it from the bench. That devotion is absolutely vital for a court that handles so many of Texas’ most important cases.”

November 28, 2017

AG Pax­ton Joins Coali­tion Sup­port­ing Pres­i­dent Trump’s Appoint­ment of a Tem­po­rary CFPB Director

“It is clear that the Acting Director’s role affords significant influence over decisions that affect day-to-day lives of the people of our States and the country as a whole,” the attorneys general wrote in the letter. “The opposite result would allow an unelected outgoing agency director to choose a temporary successor who may be at odds with the Executive Branch’s understanding of the agency’s mission and statutory mandate ”“ and thereby continue the CFPB’s practice of overreaching regulation that harms the interests of consumers and small financial institutions.”

November 27, 2017

OAG’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests McCul­loch Coun­ty Man for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested 57-year-old David Ray Gardner, of Brady, last week on two counts of Possession of Child Pornography, a third-degree felony. Gardner could face up to 10 years in prison per charge if convicted.

November 27, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Releas­es State­ment On DPS Troop­er Killed In The Line of Duty

“I am saddened to hear of the tragic death of a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper killed today in Freestone County. This trooper died selflessly serving Texas. Please join Angela and me as we pray for the trooper’s family and for the entire Department of Public Safety.”

November 23, 2017

AG Pax­ton Appeals Low­er Court Deci­sion Block­ing Imple­men­ta­tion of Texas’ Dis­mem­ber­ment Bill to 5th Circuit

“A five-day trial in district court allowed us to build a record like no other in exposing the truth about the barbaric practice of dismemberment abortions,” Attorney General Paxton said. “We are eager to present that extensive record before the 5th Circuit. No just society should tolerate the tearing of living human beings to pieces. We are hopeful the 5th Circuit will respect the will of the Texas Legislature by upholding Texas’ lawful authority to protect the dignity of innocent unborn children as they die.”

November 22, 2017

AG Pax­ton: Texas Will Imme­di­ate­ly Appeal Rul­ing on Dis­mem­ber­ment Abor­tion Ban to Pro­tect the Unborn

“During a five-day trial this month in district court, we created a record unlike any other in exposing the horrors of dismemberment abortions. No just society should tolerate the tearing of living human beings to pieces,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Through extraordinary evidence and expert witness testimony, we established that Senate Bill 8 is lawful, treats the unborn with dignity and respect, and protects the integrity of the medical profession. We will defend Senate Bill 8 all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary.”

November 22, 2017

AG Pax­ton Leads 12-State SCO­TUS Brief in Trav­el Ban Case

“Through its latest travel ban, the Trump administration has taken significant and common-sense steps to upgrade vetting and national security procedures vital to protecting Texas and the rest of the country from terrorism,” Attorney General Paxton said. “We’re hopeful the Supreme Court will agree with our coalition that the travel ban is lawful and constitutional, and should be enforced in its entirety.”

November 22, 2017