AG Pax­ton Releas­es State­ment on Fetal Remains Dis­po­si­tion Hearing

“I am confident in our arguments today and in the constitutionality of these rules. Texas values the dignity of the remains of the unborn and believes that fetal tissue should be disposed of properly and humanely. I look forward to the court upholding the rules on January 27.”

January 04, 2017

AG Pax­ton Files Suit Against the FDA for Detain­ing Law Enforce­ment Drug

“There are only two reasons why the FDA would take 17 months to make a final decision on Texas’ importation of thiopental sodium: gross incompetence or willful obstruction,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The FDA has an obligation to fulfill its responsibilities faithfully and in a timely manner. My office will not allow the FDA to sit on its hands and thereby impair Texas’ responsibility to carry out its law enforcement duties.”

January 03, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Texas Wins Nation­wide Pre­lim­i­nary Injunc­tion in Law­suit to Pro­tect Tex­ans and Physi­cians from New Oba­macare Mandate

“This striking example of federal overreach under Obamacare would force many doctors, hospitals and other health care providers in Texas to participate in sex-reassignment surgeries and treatments, even if it violates their best medical judgment or their religious beliefs,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I will always fight to protect the constitutional rights of Texans.”

January 01, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Files Ami­cus Brief in Sup­port of Chal­lenge to the State Bar of Texas’ Uncon­sti­tu­tion­al Racial and Sex-Based Quo­ta System

“This is really not a difficult case,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The courts have made clear that the use of racial and sex-based quotas by the government in situations like this is blatantly unconstitutional. Leadership positions should be available to all state bar members based on their merit, not their skin color, ethnicity or sex.”

December 29, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Releas­es State­ment On Cor­pus Chris­ti’s Water Sup­ply Incident

“Every resource of my office will be made available to help regarding the water supply incident in Corpus Christi. We’re monitoring the situation closely. Price gouging on bottled water will not be tolerated. My office stands ready to assist Corpus Christi and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality when they know the full scope of the water contamination problem. In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with Corpus Christi residents during this difficult situation.”

December 15, 2016

AG Pax­ton Releas­es State­ment on Court’s Deci­sion To Issue Tem­po­rary Restrain­ing Order Against Killeen ISD’s Deci­sion to Tear Down A Char­lie Brown Christ­mas” Poster

“Religious discrimination towards Christians has become a holiday tradition of sorts among certain groups. I am glad to see that the court broke through the left’s rhetorical fog and recognized that a commitment to diversity means protecting everyone’s individual religious expression.”

December 15, 2016

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton, 24-State Coali­tion Sets Forth Plan For Pow­er Plan’s With­draw­al: Coali­tion out­lines sug­gest­ed path in let­ter to Vice Pres­i­dent-elect Pence, Congress

Attorney General Paxton said: “The Clean Power Plan offers President-elect Trump the opportunity to break with the lawlessness that defined his predecessor’s administration and prove beyond a doubt to naysayers that his tenure in office will work faithfully to reinvigorate the Constitution and the principles of federalism that made this country great.”

December 15, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Inter­venes into Law­suit to Defend A Char­lie Brown Christmas”

“Once again, public schools have decided that their commitment to diversity does not extend to Christians,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Neither faculty nor students shed their constitutional rights when they step inside the schoolhouse door. The law in fact encourages school districts to take an inclusive approach to religious and secular celebrations that are both respectful and accepting of different viewpoints. Killeen ISD made a clear legal error when it decided it had to censor staff member Dedra Shannon’s Christmas decoration simply because it incorporated some religious terminology.”

December 15, 2016 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton’s Office Assists Hays Coun­ty Con­sta­ble in Arrest­ing 9 in Child Sup­port Roundup

“My office will not allow parents to sidestep their fundamental and moral responsibility to care for their children,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I commend everyone involved in holding accountable those who are brazenly delinquent on their child support payments. Their efforts help ensure better care and better lives for Texas children.”

December 15, 2016

AG Pax­ton: Hous­ton Store Shut Down After Vio­lat­ing Court Order

“My office will not stand by as the health and safety of Texans is endangered by drug peddlers looking for a quick buck,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The sale of illegal, deadly drugs must be put to a stop. My office will continue to work with local authorities across the state to send a message: businesses who sell these dangerous and illegal substances will not escape punishment.”

December 14, 2016 | Press Release