Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton State­ment on Roe v. Wade Anniversary

"Forty-three years after Roe v. Wade, let us remember those who are missing from our society and were never given the chance to live; the children we will never know, the faces we will never see and the people we will never meet. These innocent children will never celebrate a birthday, graduate from high school or college, or have the opportunity to start families of their own. It’s impossible to fill the void of more than 50 million missing human beings, or to understand the full impact this lost potential has had on our nation. We as a society have a duty to respect the dignity and value of every single human life, and today I pray for an end to the devastation that abortion has brought on our communities.”

January 22, 2016

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton State­ment on DC Cir­cuit Pow­er Plan Decision

“Regardless of the court’s ruling today, the Obama Administration’s Power Plan not only remains bad policy but is also still unlawful. This ill-advised example of federal overreach will kill jobs, result in higher electric bills and create a significantly less reliable electric grid for all consumers. Alongside West Virginia, we will continue leading a 25-state coalition challenging the EPA’s rule wherever the case takes us.”

January 21, 2016

Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Releas­es Opin­ion on Dai­ly Paid ”˜Fan­ta­sy Sports’ Sites

“It’s my duty as Attorney General to look to the law, as passed by the people’s representatives, to answer the questions put to this office,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “Paid daily ”˜fantasy sports’ operators claim they can legally operate as an unregulated house, but none of their arguments square with existing Texas law. Simply put, it is prohibited gambling in Texas if you bet on the performance of a participant in a sporting event and the house takes a cut.”

January 19, 2016

State­ment on Supreme Court Grant­i­ng Review in Immi­gra­tion Case

“In deciding to hear this case, the Supreme Court recognizes the importance of the separation of powers. As federal courts have already ruled three times, there are limits to the President’s authority, and those limits enacted by Congress were exceeded when the President unilaterally sought to grant ”˜lawful presence’ to more than 4 million unauthorized aliens who are in this country unlawfully. The Court should affirm what President Obama said himself on more than 20 occasions: that he cannot unilaterally rewrite congressional laws and circumvent the people’s representatives.”

January 19, 2016

Texas AG Pax­ton Files Brief in Refugee Law­suit: ”˜The safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of Tex­ans must always come first’

“The recent arrest of an Iraqi refugee in Houston for attempting to provide material support to terrorists is exactly the type of security risk to our schools and our communities that we must prevent,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “Texas resettles, and welcomes with open arms, more refugees than any other state. But there is a significant difference between refugees and terrorists posing as refugees to infiltrate America and cause mass devastation. The safety and security of Texans must always come first.”

January 15, 2016

AG Pax­ton Announces New Agency Human Traf­fick­ing Unit

“Criminals steal many things from their victims, such as money, belongings and their sense of safety and well-being; but human trafficking is, simply put, the theft of a person’s very soul,” said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. “While trafficking is often associated with people from other countries, the victims of trafficking can and do come from anywhere, including right here in Texas. “Fortunately, through this new unit and through recent changes to the law, Texas is in a great position to make headway in the fight against trafficking, and we will take the fight to the doorstep of traffickers at every opportunity.”

January 14, 2016

Pax­ton: Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment Must Respect Reli­gious Beliefs

“The principles of our nation, not to mention federal law, provides that the government must respect the closely-held religious beliefs of its citizens,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “These nonprofits, driven by faith and sincere convictions, serve our communities in important ways ”“ from education to health care to caring for the elderly. It’s paramount that that they continue their contributions to society, and Texas will continue to fight any impediments imposed upon these organizations by the Obama Administration.”

January 11, 2016

Texas AG’s Office Files Brief with U.S. Supreme Court Chal­leng­ing Uncon­sti­tu­tion­al Fee Order in Texas v. Wendy Davis

“The district court had no authority to award attorneys’ fees under a law that was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court nearly a full year prior,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “As numerous courts have recognized, opinions by the highest court in the land take effect the moment they are handed down from the bench. As such, the fee order by the lower court should be reversed.”

January 05, 2016

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton State­ment on Pres­i­dent Oba­ma’s Gun Con­trol Announcement

“Once more President Obama is pushing his personal and political agenda, attacking the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners. I stand ready to fight back against any overreach that will deny or infringe on their rights. If the president is truly concerned about keeping our communities and schools safe, he should share the same sense of urgency in closing security gaps ”“ some of his own making ”“ that have made a mockery of our borders and are inviting potential terrorists to infiltrate and attack our nation from within.”

January 05, 2016

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Tours North Texas Tor­na­do Damage

“Last week’s storms brought destruction on North Texas communities, devastating families who have lost homes and loved ones,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Today, I met people who are determined to rebuild their lives and their community, serving as a reminder of the enduring strength of the Texas spirit and our ongoing tradition of neighbor helping neighbor.”

December 30, 2015