AG Paxton’s Law Enforce­ment Round Up

February 09, 2021 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton Issues CIDs to Robin­hood, Dis­cord, Citadel, and Oth­ers That Sus­pend­ed Stock Trad­ing and Investing

Attorney General Ken Paxton today issued 13 Civil Investigative Demands (CIDs) to Discord, Robinhood Financial, Robinhood Markets, Robinhood Securities, Interactive Brokers, TD Ameritrade, TD Bank, E-Trade, WeBull Financial, Public Holdings, M1 Holdings, Citadel Financial, and Apex Clearing Corporation, regarding the prohibition of certain stock purchases, requiring higher margin reserves for trading certain companies, and suspending chat platform activity

January 29, 2021 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Files Motion to Inter­vene, Defends Stu­dent Rights to Free Speech and Due Process

Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit defending the Department of Education’s reaffirmation of Title IX’s commitment to protecting students from actual harassment while upholding free speech and due process.

January 27, 2021 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton: Texas Law­ful­ly Pro­hibits Bar­bar­ic, Vio­lent Dis­mem­ber­ment Abortions

Solicitor General Kyle Hawkins defended in the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals the constitutionality of Texas’s law barring live-dismemberment abortions.

January 27, 2021 | Noteworthy

AG Pax­ton: Texas Law­suit Results in Court Uphold­ing Fed­er­al Law, Halts Biden Administration’s Unlaw­ful Freeze of Deportations

Attorney General Ken Paxton today commended the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas for granting a nationwide temporary restraining order halting implementation of the Biden Administration’s unlawful order to the Department of Homeland Security to freeze virtually all deportations of illegal aliens.

January 26, 2021 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion, Demand­ing Imme­di­ate Halt to Unlaw­ful Depor­ta­tion Freeze

Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a complaint and motion for temporary restraining order in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, asking the Court to immediately halt the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) freeze on deportations of illegal aliens.

January 22, 2021 | Press Release

Response to DHS’s Unlaw­ful Pause on Removals

January 21, 2021 | Noteworthy

Law & Lib­er­ty: Human Trafficking

For this episode of Law & Liberty, we break it up into two parts to cover Human Trafficking. In part one, Attorney General Ken Paxton and Deputy AG for Criminal Justice Josh Reno join us to discuss their experience building and directing anti-human trafficking units and in part two, leading prosecutors Cara Pierce and Brooke Grona-Robb sat down to discuss impactful cases they’ve encountered.

January 20, 2021 | Podcast