AG Pax­ton Applauds Pres­i­dent Trump’s Nom­i­na­tion of For­mer Texas Deputy First Assis­tant AG David Morales to the U.S. Dis­trict Court in Cor­pus Christi

“David Morales is an accomplished attorney with a proven record of excellence and an unwavering fidelity to the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution,” Attorney General Paxton said. “David will respect the proper role of a judge in our constitutional system and will not engage in legislating from the bench. I am confident he will excel as a federal judge, and I urge the U.S. Senate to quickly confirm him to the bench.”

April 10, 2018

Inves­ti­ga­tion by AG Paxton’s Office Helps Shut Down Back​page​.com

In his office’s continued push to end human trafficking in Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that, the largest online sex trafficking marketplace in the world, is permanently shut down. Backpage operated in 97 countries and 943 locations worldwide.

April 09, 2018

Inves­ti­ga­tion by AG Pax­ton’s Office Helps Shut Down Back​page​.com

“Backpage generated millions of dollars annually on the backs of innocent women and children who were forced or coerced into sex trafficking,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Taking down this despicable website will undoubtedly save lives and spare many others from the unspeakable horrors of sex trafficking.”

April 09, 2018

AG Pax­ton Urges Texas Appeals Court to Declare Austin’s Short-Term Rental Ordi­nance Unconstitutional

“City governments do not have the authority to trample Texas constitutional rights and protections for property owners and their guests,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The city of Austin's short-term rental ordinance is not only bad policy, but also unlawful and must be struck down.”

March 30, 2018

AG Pax­ton Urges HHS to Imple­ment Rules Restor­ing Reli­gious Free­dom and Con­science Rights for Americans

“It is encouraging to see HHS taking concrete steps to restore the rule of law and respect for our Constitution,” Attorney General Paxton said. “All of us must be able to abide by our religious, moral and ethical beliefs without fear that our government will intimidate and discriminate against us for doing so.”

March 28, 2018

AG Pax­ton Leads 18-State Brief Sup­port­ing Trump Admin­is­tra­tion Law­suit Against Cal­i­for­nia to Uphold Immi­gra­tion Law and Pro­tect Pub­lic Safety

“Dangerous sanctuary policies like California's undermine the rule of law and endanger good law enforcement officers and the communities that need their protection the most,” Attorney General Paxton said. “It is incomprehensible that California finds criminal illegal aliens dangerous enough to detain, but then insists on releasing them back into the community to offend again instead of turning them over to federal immigration authorities for removal. If California prefers different immigration policies, it is free to take them up with the appropriate authority – Congress.”

March 26, 2018

AG Pax­ton Asks HHS to End Dis­crim­i­na­to­ry Oba­ma-Era Pol­i­cy That Cut Fund­ing for Wom­en’s Health

“The Obama administration denied the conscience rights of Texans when it excluded Texas from Title X funding because of its laws that respect the sanctity of life among the unborn,” Attorney General Paxton said. “A precursor to participation in federal programs should not be an uncompromising commitment to abortion providers. The freedom of conscience should never be demoted to second-class status among our civil liberties.”

March 22, 2018

AG Pax­ton Files Brief in Sup­port of Indi­ana’s Sanc­tu­ary Cities Law

“The settlement between Marion County and the ACLU is an attempt to get around a state law they don't agree with,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The policy agreed to by the county obstructs the federal government's ability to enforce the nation's immigration laws, and it puts the safety of police officers and the public at risk. Indiana's sanctuary cities law should be fully enforced.”

March 16, 2018

AG Pax­ton Prais­es Rul­ing Against Waller Coun­ty in Retal­ia­to­ry Open Car­ry Lawsuit

“This is a great day for the First Amendment and the right of citizens to participate in government,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Waller County should be embarrassed and ashamed of using litigation as a tool to silence someone who merely called on it to stop violating a state law.”

March 16, 2018

AG Pax­ton Asks Two More School Dis­tricts to Stop Vio­lat­ing Elec­tion Law

“The Legislature has enacted laws empowering schools to encourage voting and assist students in registering to vote, but school districts violate the Texas Election and Education codes when they exhort faculty or others to vote for a particular person or ballot measure,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Spending taxpayer dollars on advocating for or against political candidates is unacceptable. It erodes public trust in our schools and, more importantly, diverts taxpayer funds from their intended purpose—enabling educators to provide the youth of Texas the education and skills they need to succeed in life and fully participate in our democracy.”

March 16, 2018