Travis and Hays Coun­ties Arrest Near­ly 50 for Child Sup­port Violations

“Caring for your children is the fundamental moral duty of any parent,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “I commend everyone involved in holding accountable those who attempt to evade child support. Their dedication to enforcing the law helps ensure better care and better lives for Texas’ most vulnerable citizens.”

October 23, 2017

AG Pax­ton: Texas Must Not Become a Sanc­tu­ary State for Abortion

“We’re disappointed with today’s result from the D.C. Circuit.” Attorney General Paxton said. “Unlawfully-present aliens with no substantial ties to the U.S. do not have a right to abortion on demand. Texas must not become a sanctuary state for abortions.”

October 20, 2017

AG Pax­ton Opens Inves­ti­ga­tion into Sev­er­al Debris Removal Com­pa­nies in Wake of Hur­ri­cane Harvey

“Debris removal companies may be overpromising and under-delivering,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Texans are working hard to clean up after Hurricane Harvey and these companies should do the same. They cannot sign contracts with local governments, and then change the price or not deliver services.”

October 20, 2017

AG Pax­ton Reach­es $120 Mil­lion Set­tle­ment with Gen­er­al Motors Com­pa­ny Over Defec­tive Igni­tion Switch

Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced a $120 million multi-state settlement with General Motors Company (GM) over allegations GM concealed safety issues related to ignition-switch-related defects in GM vehicles. The settlement, reached between the attorneys general of 49 states and the District of Columbia, concludes a multistate investigation into the auto manufacturer’s failure to timely disclose known safety defects associated with unintended key- rotation-related and/or ignition-switch-related issues in several models and model years of GM vehicles. GM agreed to pay the participating attorneys general a total of $120 Million, of which Texas’ share is $7,353,446.

October 19, 2017

AG Pax­ton: ACLU Can­not Turn Texas into a Sanc­tu­ary State for Abortions

“The D.C. Circuit made the right decision to temporarily stay the district court’s order, which contradicts U.S. Supreme Court precedent and harms the public interest because it effectively creates a right to abortion for anyone who entered the U.S. illegally, no matter how briefly,” Attorney General Paxton told the court. “Texas must not become a sanctuary state for abortions.”

October 19, 2017

AG Pax­ton Leads Eight-State Coali­tion to Pro­tect the Unborn

“An unlawfully-present alien with no substantial ties to this country has no constitutional right to abortion on demand,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Texas has a legitimate and substantial intereset in preserving and promoting fetal life. Texas must not become a sanctuary state for abortions.”

October 18, 2017

AG Pax­ton Files Brief in 5th Cir­cuit Defend­ing Texas’ Vot­er ID Law

“The plaintiffs cannot identify a single person who faces a substantial burden to voting under this reasonable-impediment exception,” Attorney General Paxton wrote. “As the 5th Circuit panel noted, each of the 27 voters identified in the record ”“ whose testimony underlies plaintiffs’ claims ”“ can now vote without photo ID. Accordingly, the case should be over.”

October 17, 2017

AG Pax­ton’s Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion Divi­sion Wins FTC’s Part­ner Award for Out­stand­ing Col­lab­o­ra­tive Work

“We are honored that the Federal Trade Commission recognized the hard work of our Consumer Protection Division to ensure a fair marketplace for Texas consumers,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The men and women of this office are deeply dedicated to the law and fully deserve this recognition. We thank the FTC and look forward to continuing to work with it to protect Texans.”

October 17, 2017

AG Pax­ton Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Take Up Texas’ Con­gres­sion­al Redis­trict­ing Case

“It’s fitting that the Supreme Court hear this case, given that it ordered the district court in San Antonio to draw the congressional maps in 2012 that were adopted by the Legislature in 2013 and used in the last three election cycles in Texas,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The lower court’s decision to invalidate parts of the maps it drew and adopted is inexplicable and indefensible. We’re eager for the high court to take up the case.”

October 17, 2017

AG Pax­ton Joins 13-State Coali­tion Urg­ing U.S. Sen­ate Pas­sage of a Bill to Curb Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment Overreach

“Eight years of federal government overreach and disregard for the rule of law during the Obama-era created an environment of regulatory uncertainty and fostered burdensome regulations that hurt the economy,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Passing the Regulatory Accountability Act will introduce more regulatory stability and produce smarter and more efficient rulemaking, which will ultimately reduce costs, create jobs, and grow the economy.”

October 13, 2017