AG Pax­ton Asks 5th Cir­cuit to Reverse Out­ra­geous” Vot­er ID Ruling

“Texas complied with all the changes to the voter ID law requested by the 5th Circuit, which should reverse the district court’s misguided ruling,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Voter ID guarantees to Texas voters the opportunity to cast an in-person ballot and protects the integrity of our elections.”

August 25, 2017

AG Pax­ton Announces Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion Hotline

“During declared disasters, state law prohibits businesses from charging exorbitant prices for necessities such as gas, food, drinking water, clothing and lodging,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey should take steps to protect themselves and report any alleged price gouging or scam contractors to the Office of the Attorney General.”

August 25, 2017

AG Pax­ton Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Stay Order to Redraw Texas’ Con­gres­sion­al Map

“The maps are lawful and constitutional, and a stay is vital to avoiding unnecessary election confusion while the Supreme Court reviews this case,” Attorney General Paxton said. “It is astonishing that the lower court ignored that the maps are the very same ones that the court itself adopted in 2012, and the Obama-era Department of Justice did not bring any claims against the maps. We are confident that the Supreme Court will allow Texas to continue to use the maps used in the last three election cycles.”

August 25, 2017

AG Pax­ton Com­ments on Hur­ri­cane Harvey

“Anytime catastrophic storms hit Texas, we witness the courage of our first responders and the generosity of neighbors coming together to help their fellow Texans,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Unfortunately, in the wake of the damage from storms and flooding, we also see bad actors taking advantage of victims and their circumstances. To that end, I’d like to caution everyone in any area that may be affected by Harvey to be extremely cautious with people who may offer to help residents with rebuilding or repairs.”

August 25, 2017

AG Pax­ton State­ment on Court’s Redis­trict­ing Ruling

“The judges held that maps they themselves adopted violate the law. Needless to say, we will appeal.” Attorney General Paxton said.

August 24, 2017

AG Pax­ton Files Request for Stay, Notice of Appeal in Vot­er ID Case

“The outrageous voter ID ruling is an affront to the 5th Circuit and an example of one judge choosing to create the law based on their own preferences rather than apply the law justly and fairly,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The voting process in Texas demands the highest level of integrity. I’m confident the 5th Circuit will agree with the U.S. Department of Justice, which said it is satisfied the amended Texas voter ID law has no discriminatory purpose or effect.”

August 24, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: 4,500 Tex­ans to Receive $17.6 Mil­lion in Stu­dent Loan Relief

“Students are among Texas’ most valuable resources and my office will act to protect them from deceptive practices,” Attorney General Paxton said. “This settlement provides relief to Texans victimized by a student loan program that took advantage of their aspirations to further their education.”

August 24, 2017

AG Pax­ton: Texas Will Appeal Today’s Vot­er ID Ruling

“Today’s ruling is outrageous. Senate Bill 5 was passed by the people’s representatives and includes all the changes to the Texas voter ID law requested by the 5th Circuit,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The U.S. Department of Justice is satisfied that the amended voter ID law has no discriminatory purpose or effect. Safeguarding the integrity of elections in Texas is essential to preserving our democracy. The 5th Circuit should reverse the entirety of the district court’s ruling.”

August 23, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Leads 14-State Coali­tion in Ami­cus Brief Defend­ing the First Amend­ment Rights of Arlene’s Flowers

“Compelling individuals to accommodate or affirm actions contrary to their sincerely-held beliefs is un-American and unconstitutional,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The right to free speech and the free exercise of religion applies to one’s business, just as it does at home or a place of worship. The government may not force individuals to affirmatively work against their deeply-held religious beliefs. I have full faith that the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold Barronelle Stutzman’s First Amendment rights.”

August 21, 2017

AG Pax­ton Appeals Redis­trict­ing Rul­ing to the U.S. Supreme Court and Seeks Stay of Dis­trict Court Order

“Judges should get out of the business of drawing maps,” Attorney General Paxton said. “We firmly believe that the maps Texas used in the last three election cycles are lawful, and we will aggressively defend the maps on all fronts.”

August 18, 2017