AG Pax­ton Prais­es Dis­trict Court’s Deci­sion on Cam­pus Car­ry Lawsuit

“The court’s ruling today is the correct outcome,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The fact that a small group of professors dislike a law and speculate about a ”˜chilling effect’ is hardly a valid basis to set the law aside.”

July 07, 2017

AG Pax­ton Applauds Texas Supreme Court’s Rul­ing on Same-Sex Mar­riage Case

“I’m extremely pleased that the Texas Supreme Court recognized that Texas law is still important when it comes to marriage,” Attorney General Paxton said. “While the U.S. Supreme Court declared a right to same-sex marriage, that ruling did not resolve all legal issues related to marriage.” According to the Texas Supreme Court, “Mr. Pidgeon and the Mayor, like many other litigants throughout the country, must now assist the courts in fully exploring Obergefell’s reach and ramifications, and are entitled to the opportunity to do so.”

June 30, 2017

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton State­ment on the San Anto­nio Shooting

“I am asking all Texans to join me in praying for the wounded San Antonio police officers. My office is willing and ready to assist in the ongoing investigation in any way necessary. Our law enforcement officers are true Texas heroes and deserve our prayers and support now and always.”

June 29, 2017

AG Pax­ton Leads 10-State Coali­tion Urg­ing Trump Admin­is­tra­tion to Phase Out Unlaw­ful Oba­ma-Era DACA Program

“We respectfully request that the Secretary of Homeland Security phase out the DACA program,” Attorney General Paxton wrote. “Just like DAPA, DACA unilaterally confers eligibility for work authorization and lawful presence without any statutory authorization from Congress.”

June 29, 2017

OAG’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests Ander­son Coun­ty Man for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested 43-year-old John Aaron Burney, of Palestine, on one count of Possession of Child Pornography, a third-degree felony. Burney could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

June 29, 2017

AG Pax­ton Applauds EPA Deci­sion to Repeal Sweep­ing Fed­er­al Over­reach in Waters of the Unit­ed States Rule

“This rule directly infringed on the states’ ability to regulate their own national resources and posed a burden to Texas property owners whose land would be subject to new EPA regulations,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I applaud Administrator Pruitt for recognizing that the Obama-era EPA blatantly exceeded statutory authority, and for promptly repealing this unlawful rule.”

June 27, 2017

AG Pax­ton Leads 12-State Coali­tion in Sup­port­ing Free­dom of Speech in Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Debates

“This is a constitutionally improper ploy by two state attorneys general to suppress the free speech of a company they disagree with,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Using law enforcement authority to silence speakers in a public policy debate undermines the trust invested in our offices and threatens the First Amendment.”

June 27, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Prais­es Supreme Court’s Deci­sion to Rein­state Trump Admin­is­tra­tion’s Trav­el Ban

“The Supreme Court clearly did the right thing today, staying in large part the actions of lower federal courts that ignored the law and the Constitution,” Attorney General Paxton said. “This sweeping reinstatement of the president’s travel ban provides needed security measures for our nation against dangerous threats that are very real and ongoing. Texas will continue to support the Trump administration’s travel ban when the Supreme Court takes up the case in October.”

June 26, 2017

AG Pax­ton: Today’s Supreme Court Rul­ing on the Trin­i­ty Luther­an Case Is a Major Vic­to­ry for Reli­gious Liberty

In his statement on the decision, Attorney General Paxton said: “Today’s ruling is a major victory for all who believe in religious liberty. I’m pleased that the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that Missouri went too far in discriminating against an institution because of its religious character, violating Trinity Lutheran’s First Amendment protection against policies prohibiting the free exercise of religion.”

June 26, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Texas in Death Penal­ty Case

“With its decision on the Davila case, the U.S. Supreme Court honored the finality of duly entered convictions,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton. “Had the high court ruled otherwise, states and the federal court system would have been burdened with an avalanche of claims facing an infinitesimal chance of success.”

June 26, 2017