AG Pax­ton Con­grat­u­lates Employ­ee on Win­ning Pres­ti­gious Award

“Shelley Dahlberg’s sound judgment, keen instincts and work ethic make her a natural leader,” Attorney General Paxton said. “She is a model of professional excellence, a master of trial and appellate skills and a mentor to hundreds of lawyers who have dedicated their talents to public service.”

May 19, 2017

AG Pax­ton Calls on EPA to Sus­pend and Review Unlaw­ful Reg­u­la­tions Harm­ful to Texans

Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) urging it to suspend, review and reconsider Obama-era EPA regulations that Texas challenged in 12 lawsuits that are still pending against the federal agency. The letter was sent Monday in response to a request for comments from EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

May 19, 2017

OAG’s Child Exploita­tion Unit Arrests Williamson Coun­ty Man for Pos­ses­sion of Child Pornography

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced yesterday that the Child Exploitation Unit (CEU) of his office arrested 55-year-old Joe Lawrence Islas, of Round Rock, on three counts of Possession of Child Pornography, a third-degree felony. Islas could face up to 10 years in prison per charge if convicted.

May 19, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Inter­venes in Law­suit to Pro­tect Reli­gious Free­dom of Mont­gomery Coun­ty Judge Wayne Mack

“The lawsuit against Judge Mack is an affront to religious liberty and yet another attempt to push religious expression from public life. The commission’s prayer practice, like Judge Mack’s courtroom prayer, is completely consistent with our nation’s history of protecting religious expression.”

May 17, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton: Texas Joins 17-States Fil­ing Ami­cus Brief to Sup­port School Rights

“Schools are facing the potential loss of federal funding all because local educators are exercising the authority to implement common-sense policies that best protect their students’ privacy, safety and dignity,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Texas has led the fight to prevent the Department of Education from unilaterally rewriting federal law. Title IX permits schools to maintain separate facilities, including bathrooms and locker rooms, and the 4th Circuit should recognize this principle.”

May 15, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Applauds Court Rul­ing Affirm­ing Dal­las’ Rejec­tion of Pornog­ra­phy Convention

“It is vital that governmental entities have the ability to exclude sexually-oriented businesses from property that they own,” Attorney General Paxton said. “The City of Dallas, through its democratically-elected officials, rightfully decided that its convention center and taxpayer monies should not be home to an event where obscenity and criminal activity occurs.”

May 12, 2017

AG Pax­ton: City of Brownsville Agrees to Repeal Plas­tic Bag Fee

“I’m pleased that the city of Brownsville agreed to stop taxing its citizens through an unlawful bag fee,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Cities and municipalities in Texas are obligated to follow the rule of law. And in this case, a law passed by the Legislature clearly prohibits a sales tax on bags.”

May 11, 2017

AG Pax­ton Files Law­suit to Uphold Con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of Texas Sanc­tu­ary Cities Law

“SB 4 is constitutional, lawful and a vital step in securing our borders,” Attorney General Paxton said. “SB 4 guarantees cooperation among federal, state and local law enforcement to protect Texans. Unfortunately, some municipalities and law enforcement agencies are unwilling to cooperate with the federal government and claim that SB 4 is unconstitutional.”

May 08, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton State­ment Regard­ing Pres­i­dent Trump’s Exec­u­tive Order on Free Speech and Reli­gious Liberty

“Recently, Governor Abbott and I called on Congress to pass the Free Speech Fairness Act. That legislation will fully restore the freedom of churches to participate in political debates by removing a 60 year old provision of the IRS code ”“ the Johnson Amendment ”“ which threatens churches with the loss of their tax-exempt status if they take a stand on legislation or candidates. Today’s executive order by President Trump is an important first step to protect our country’s first liberty ”“ religious liberty. By enacting the Free Speech Fairness Act (H.R. 781 and S. 264), we can guarantee that the voices of churches and people of faith reclaim their rightful place in our democracy.”

May 04, 2017 | Press Release

AG Pax­ton Hails Vic­to­ry Over Stream Pro­tec­tion Rule

“Fighting federal overreach and protecting Texas sovereignty is a cornerstone of my office,” Attorney General Paxton said. “We are grateful to solidify yet another victory for Texans. We will continue to fight rules that trample state sovereignty and displace hardworking men and women.”

May 02, 2017 | Press Release