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Ken Paxton

Financial statements of school district trustees - posting on district website

Ken Paxton

Personal information of judges, disclosure of in campaign reports and financial statements

Ken Paxton

Sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission but which has been dismissed remains confidential under Government Code subsection 571.140(a)|Sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, despite being the subject of litigation, remains confidential if it has not been entered into a formal hearing or a judicial proceeding. Government Code subsection 571.140(a) provides that a|Under Government Code subsection 571.140(a), a sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission but which has been dismissed remains confidential|Government Code subsection 571.140(a) - a sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, despite being subject of litigation, remains confidential if it has not been entered into a formal hearing or judicial proceeding.|Government Code subsection 571.140(a) - sworn complaint filed with the Texas Ethics Commission, but which has been dismissed remains confidential

Ken Paxton

Article XVI, section 40(d) precludes legislators from providing services as an employee of local government|Legislator's acceptance of payment from local government for lobbying, authority and limitations|Legislator as employee of local government, prohibited by Texas Constitution article XVI, section 40(d)|Legislators precluded by Texas Constitution article XVI, section 40(d) from providing services as employee of local government

Greg Abbott

Staff of Ethics Commission can interview third-party witnesses concerning facts of situation leading to filing sworn complaint without violation of statute making complaint confidential|Staff of Ethics Commission can interview third-party witnesses concerning facts of situation leading to filing of sworn complaint without violation of statute making complaint confidential

Greg Abbott

Legislator may represent person in administrative license revocation hearing only if legislator has previously represented person in criminal proceeding arising out of same facts|Administrative license revocation hearing, legislator may represent person in, only if legislator has previously represented person in criminal proceeding arising out of same facts|Legislator may represent a person in administrative license revocation hearing only if legislator has previously represented person in criminal proceeding arising out of same facts

Greg Abbott

Practice of supplementing income as commissioned peace officer by working off-duty as private security officer is not a violation of section 36.07 of Penal Code, which prohibits acceptance of honoraria by public servants|Commissioned peace officers who are employees of the state or of a political subdivision of the state who are also employed off-duty as private security officers do not violate acceptance of honoraria prohibition in section 36.07 of Penal Code|Commissioned peace officers employed by the state of political subdivisions of the state who are also employed off-duty as private security officers do not violate acceptance of honoraria prohibition in section 36.07 of Penal Code|License and registration requirements of chapter 1702 do not apply to commissioned peace officers who receive compensation for off-duty employment as security officers|Commissioned peace officer employed by the state or by a political subdivision of the state|Benefit|Honorarium|Peace Officer|Public servant

Greg Abbott

Honoraria, payment by private association of county and district clerks to its immediate past president as prohibited honoraria or gift to public servant|Public servant, payment by private association of public officials to its immediate past president as prohibited honoraria or gift

Greg Abbott

Business relationship requiring disclosure under chapter 176 of the Local Government Code, personal or business interest bearing savings account generating taxable income is|Professional service contracts, disclosure requirements of chapter 176 of the Local Government Code apply to|Persons acting as agents of legal entities are independently subject to disclosure requirements of chapter 176 of the Local Government Code|Records retention schedule, documents filed with local governmental entity pursuant to chapter 176 of the Local Government Code should be retained according to entity's|Enforce requirements of chapter 176 of the Local Government Code, local governmental entity has no affirmative duty to|Notify persons of applicability of chapter 176 of the Local Government code, local governmental entity has no affirmative duty to|Disclosure requirements of chapter 176 of the Local Government Code, local governmental entity may require vendor or potential vendor to agree to comply with|Void, local governmental entity may provide that contract entered into with person failing to comply with chapter 176 of the Local Government Code is|Business relationship requiring disclosure under chapter 176 of Local Government Code, personal or business interest bearing savings account generating taxable income is|Professional service contracts, disclosure requirements of chapter 176 of Local Government Code apply to|Absent business relationship or affiliation, person subject to chapter 176 of Local Government Code must file conflict of interest questionnaire even though|Family member of local government officer, person subject to chapter 176 of Local Government Code must comply with its disclosure requirements even if a|Persons acting as agents of legal entities are independently subject to disclosure requirements of chapter 176, Local Government Code|Mere adoption of list of various entities and relationships provided by the local governmental entity, person subject to chapter 176 of Local Government Code does not "describe" the required relationships and affiliations and therefore does not comply with chapter 176 |Providing incomplete list of the various entities and relationships provided by the local governmental entity, person subject to chapter 176 of Local Government Code does not "identify and describe" all of the required relationships and affiliations and therefore does not comply with chapter 176|Chapter 176 of Local Government Code, contract with local governmental entity is not void because person failed to comply with disclosure requirements of|Existing contracts with local governmental entity, chapter 176 of Local Government Code does not include|Goods and services at reduced prices, chapter 176 of Local Government Code includes contracts offering|Notify persons of applicability of chapter 176 of the Local Government Code, local governmental entity has not affirmative duty to|Records retention schedule, documents filed with local governmental entity pursuant to chapter 176 of Local Government Code should be retained according to entity's|Enforce requirements of chapter 176 of Local Government Code, local governmental entity has no affirmative duty to|Notify persons of applicability of chapter 176 of Local Government Code, local governmental entity has not affirmative duty to |Disclosure requirements of chapter 176 of Local Government Code, local governmental entity may require vendor or potential vendor to agree to comply with|Void, local governmental entity may provide that contract entered into with person failing to comply with chapter 176 of Local Government Code is|Contracts or seeks to contract|Business relationship|Affiliation|Or

Greg Abbott

Tobacco Settlement Permanent Trust Account Investment Advisory Committee, board members are not state officers required to file chapter 572, Government Code, financial statements\r\n|Financial statements under chapter 572, Government Code, board members of the Tobacco Settlement Permanent Trust Account Investment Advisory Committee, are not required to file\r\n|Tobacco Settlement Permanent Trust Account Investment Advisory Board, chapter 572 of Government Code relating to filing of personal financial statement is not applicable to board members of the

Greg Abbott

Lottery Commission, constitutionality of statute prohibiting a member of the Lottery Commission from coercing, attempting to coerce, or advising a person to contribute for political purposes|Lottery Commission, constitutionality of statute prohibiting a member of the Lottery Commission from coercing, attempting to coerce, or advising a person to contribute for political purposes; application to political fundraising events|Constitutionality of statute prohibiting a member of the Commission from coercing, attempting to coerce, or advising a person to contribute for political purposes; application to political fundraising events

Greg Abbott

Practice as criminal defense attorney in federal court or in state courts of neighboring counties, assistant county or assistant district attorney may engage in without violating article 2.08, Code of Criminal Procedure, but assistant county attorney may be barred in some circumstances under section 46.005, Government Code|Rules 1.06 and 1.08 of the Rules of Disciplinary Procedure may advise against assistant county or assistant district attorney from practicing as criminal defense attorney in federal court or in state courts of neighboring counties

Greg Abbott

Acting as an unpaid advisor to school district board of directors and representing district for compensation in the collection of delinquent taxes, propriety of|Attorney acting as an unpaid advisor to school district board of directors and representing district for compensation in the collection of delinquent taxes, propriety of

Greg Abbott

County vehicle, use of by county employee’s to transport a passenger who is not a county officer or employee

Greg Abbott

County ethics commission statutory scheme, Legislature must resolve any inherent conflict of interest created by\r\n\r\nRequests for opinions regarding the propriety of a county attorney’s representation of a particular client in a particular circumstance should be addressed by the Committee on Professional Ethics|El Paso County Ethics Commission would improperly usurp the county attorney’s authority if outside legal counsel were hired to represent the Commission over the objection of the county attorney

Greg Abbott

District Attorney of the 34th Judicial District and his attorneys are county public servants subject to the El Paso County Code of Ethics when and to the extent they participate in the performance of a county governmental function|County governmental function, the term county public servant in subsection 161.002(8)(C), Local Government Code, includes attorneys at law when participating in the performance of a|Non-attorney staff of a district attorney, because they are not county public servants, are not subject to the El Paso County Code of Ethics|El Paso County Code of Ethics, when and to the extent they participate in the performance of a county governmental function the District Attorney of the 34th Judicial District and his attorneys are county public servants subject to the|El Paso County Code of Ethics, because they are not county public servants, the non-attorney staff of a district attorney, because they are not county public servants, are not subject to the

Greg Abbott

Document establishing a complainant’s residency or real-property ownership in Texas under sections 571.122 and 571.124 of the Government Code, a court would likely give serious consideration to the Texas Ethics Commission’s decision not to send a copy of such document to the respondent in a matter regarding a sworn complaint a|Document establishing a complainant’s residency or real-property ownership in Texas under sections 571.122 and 571.124 of the Government Code, a court would likely give serious consideration to the Commission’s decision not to send a copy of such document to the respondent in a matter regarding a sworn complaint a

Greg Abbott

State Board of Education, under section 7.103(c), Education Code, a person who is a lobbyist and who communicates directly with the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action in or on behalf of a profession, business, or association that pertains to or is associated or connected with any of the statutorily enumerated powers or duties of the State Board of Education is not eligible to serve on the

Greg Abbott

Review officer to a standing preliminary review committee, pursuant to subsection 161.1551(b)(2) of the Local Government Code a member of a county ethics commission may not be a

Greg Abbott

Authority to impose additional burdens or conditions in excess of existing statutory filing requirements chosen by the Legislature; El Paso County lacks under Education Code section 11.0641|Financial statement, school district trustee subject to Education Code section 11.0641 who holds office at any time on or after January 1, 2015, including in a holdover capacity, must file a financial statement under section 11.0641 for the 2014 calendar year|Financial statement, school district trustee who resigned and whose successor has been duly qualified and sworn into office prior to January 1, 2015, is not required to file for 2014 under Education Code section 11.0641

Dan Morales

Financial statements, rider's requirement to file with one's board exceeds statutory directive and is therefore invalid|Rider that requires official to file financial statements with his board exceeds statutory directive and is therefore invalid

Dan Morales

Former member of Polygraph Examiners Board prohibited from appearing before Board to sponsor intern before second anniversary of departure|Former member prohibited from appearing before Board to sponsor intern before second anniversary of departure

Dan Morales

County school administration is a "school district" subject to restrictions on lobby-related activities by school districts

Dan Morales

Abuse of official capacity, justice of the peace who does not "immediately" deposit with county treasurer fines collected may be prosecuted|Restitution for dishonored check collected by justice of the peace need not be deposited with treasurer|Misapplication of restitution for dishonored check collected by justice of the peace, justice may be prosecuted|Fines collected by justice of the peace, justice who does not "immediately" deposit with county treasurer may be prosecuted for abuse of official capacity or removed from office|Restitution for dishonored check collected by justice of the peace, justice may be removed from office for official misconduct if misapplies|Restitution for dishonored check, justice of the peace may collect and deposit into account separate from county treasury|Restitution for dishonored check collected by justice of the peace is not county funds|Restitution for dishonored check collected by justice of the peace, auditor in county with fewer than 190,000 people may not regulate the collecting, checking, and accounting of

Dan Morales

Soliciting political contributions in personal as well as official capacity, statute constitutionally prohibits Lottery Commissioners from|Soliciting political contributions in personal as well as official capacity, statute that prohibits members of Lottery Commission from does not abridge members' free-speech rights|Soliciting political contributions in personal as well as official capacity, statute prohibits members of Lottery Commission from|Soliciting political contributions in personal as well as official capacity, statute constitutionally prohibits members of Lottery Commission from|Soliciting political contributions in personal as well as official capacity, statute constitutionally prohibits commissioners from|Solicit

John Cornyn

Recusal, rule requiring written explanation of recusal exceeds Commission's authority|Standards of conduct, rule prescribing standards of conduct exceeds Commission's authority|Standards of conduct, rule prescribing standards of conduct exceeds Railroad Commission's authority|Recusal, rule requiring written explanation of recusal exceeds Railroad Commission's authority

John Cornyn

Anti-bribery statement signed by public officers before taking oath of office, state-level officers must file with secretary of state|Anti-bribery statement signed by public officers before taking oath of office, state-level officers file with secretary of state|State officer

Ken Paxton

Authority of attorney in private practice who represents parents and children in child protection cases in a particular county to also be employed as an assistant county attorney in a different county to represent the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services

Ken Paxton

As part of the Public Information Act, Government Code section 552.008 affords a Legislator a special right of access to governmental information sought for legislative purposes. But Government Code chapter 571, governing the Texas Ethics Commission, expressly provides that documents and evidence relating to the processing, preliminary review, preliminary review hearing, or resolution of a sworn complaint are not subject to the Public Information Act. Accordingly, a court giving effect to this plain language would likely conclude that the Texas Ethics Commission may not release confidential sworn complaint information to a Legislator pursuant to a request under section 552.008.

Ken Paxton

The Texas Ethics Commission’s authority to adopt rules tolling the deadline in subsection 571.1242(g).