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Crime Vic­tims

"I commit to everyone in Texas impacted by tragedies like these to fight for every dollar for which you may be reimbursed, within the statutes that guide this compensation program."
~Letter from Attorney General Ken Paxton

Common Questions

I am a victim of violent crime. What programs might I be eligible for?

As a crime victim, you may be eligible for certain payments and reimbursements of crime-related costs. The Crime Victims’ Compensation (CVC) Program can help you cover costs related to the crime — including medical, child care, lost wages, relocation, etc.

To cover only the medical costs related to a sexual assault exam completed at a hospital, a victim may apply for Emergency Medical Care Compensation - Sexual Assault Exam.

To keep your residential address confidential, you can participate in the Address Confidentiality Program. (Note: This program is only available to victims of family violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or stalking.)

A victim of violent crime is requesting my services. What should I know about Crime Victims' Compensation (CVC)?

For CVC purposes, organizations or individuals providing billed services to victims or claimants are considered victim service providers. These include a medical, mental health or dental provider, funeral home director, child care provider, landlord, crime scene clean-up provider, or an attorney.

Before CVC can pay or reimburse a victim service provider, proper documentation must be submitted to CVC for review. CVC can coordinate with service providers on this process. Learn more about how CVC works with victim service providers.

Training is also provided to victim advocates, criminal justice professionals, and victim service providers on victim-related programs administered by the OAG. Learn more and register for an upcoming training.

I conduct sexual assault exams. What should I know about the Crime Victim Services Division (CVSD)?

CVC reimburses health care facilities, sexual assault nurse examiners, and sexual assault examiners (medical providers) for the forensic costs of sexual assault exams conducted after 8/31/2019. The forensic costs of sexual assault exams conducted before 9/1/19 are reimbursed to law enforcement agencies.

CVSD also administers the Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services (SAPCS) Program which publishes the  Texas Evidence Collection Protocol and establishes minimum standards for the Sexual Assault Training Program Certification and the OAG Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Certification

I have been a victim of identity theft. Can the Crime Victim Services Division (CVSD) help me?

The CVC program helps victims of violent crime. The Consumer Protection Division provides steps to help protect your identity and what to do if it's stolen

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Field with barbed wire fence line.

Landowner Compensation Program

Your property has been damaged due to a border crime, learn about a program that may help with reimbursements for repairs and losses.

stethoscope and clipboard

Medical Care

As part of the Crime Victims' Compensation Program, medical costs related to a violent crime can be reimbursed.


Address Confidentiality

Information for the Address Confidentiality Program

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